This show has been flagged as Explicit by the host.
Time Event
11:14 PM 12/7/2024 RDP Brute force for username "internet" password "notyours"
8:20 AM 12/11/2024 paypal charge for uber cash
8:23 AM 12/11/2024 text from uber for MFA to google voice
9:09 AM 12/11/2024 G2A pwned tried to buy 200$ worth of games etc
9:21 AM 12/11/2024 email from google play saying I added Kathys card to my account
9:22 AM 12/11/2024 email from amazon saying gift card canceled .
Top 10 Source IP Addresses:
Source IP Count
--------- ----- 13165 2213 1748 1662 972 600"
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