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HPR3881: Xplane_VatSim_2022

Hosted by operat0r on 2023-06-19 00:00:00
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This repo is dedicated to xplane plugin automation!




  • check for admin
  • check for xplane binary
  • have config file and folder for plugins/resources to be imported
  • prompt install of stuff if found in the folders for Ortho4XP or alpilotx
  • backup files to be modified
  • automate Ortho4XP
  • automate alpilotx
  • automate common plugin installs (traffic / lighting / models/planes etc)



  • LiveTraffic

Todo Plugins?:

Things to learn


  • reset FMC by setting a new origin

  • save views CTRL+NUMBERPAD recall NUMBERPAD

  • Scenery ini http://www.pterosaur.org.uk/Xplane10/Setup/Problem_Solving/Problems.html

  • This file order is:

    All add on airports at the top of the list (Important)

      Aerosoft default airports (Do Not rename)
      Demo Airports (Do Not rename)
      Global airports (Do Not rename - Keep below ALL airports)
           Library files (Can be anywhere, but I put them below airports)
           Landscape scenery files (Keep below the airports they may affect)
                 Ortho (Below all airports)
                  Mesh (Below ortho)

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