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HPR3334: Infosec Podcasts Part 2 - General Information Security

Hosted by Trey on 2021-05-13 00:00:00
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Hello, again. My name is Trey. This is part 2 of a 6 part series related to information security podcasts.

To recap Why am I recording this series?

"What podcasts you listen to" was on the list of recommended topics

I am passionate about information security

We desperately need people to fill infosec jobs in many different specialties

Infosec is a rapidly changing field, and it is critical to stay current

As a result I listen to TONS of infosec related podcasts

Because there are so many podcasts to list, I have broken them down into 6 different episodes based on topics:

  • Part 1 – News & Current Events
  • Part 2 – General Information Security
  • Part 3 - Career & Personal Development
  • Part 4 – Social Engineering
  • Part 5 -
    • Hacks & Attacks
    • Technical Information & Learning
    • Infosec Community / Social / History
  • Part 6 – Infosec Leadership

Part 2

  • General Information Security
    Caveat – Dave Bittner & Ben Yelin (Weekly)
    Weekly discussion of cybersecurity law and policy, with a particular focus on surveillance and digital privacy

  • Defense in Depth - David Spark & Guests (Weekly)
    Weekly podcast digging deeper into a currently trending infosec topic

  • Recorded Future - Dave Bittner & Recorded Future (Weekly)
    A weekly podcast about practical applications of security intelligence

  • Brakeing Down Security - Bryan Brake, Brian Boettcher, and Amanda Berlin (Weekly)
    A weekly discussion of current infosec topics and events
    Covers concepts that aspiring Information Security Professionals need to know, or refresh the memories of the seasoned veterans.

  • Down the Security Rabbit Hole - Rafal Los (Weekly)
    A weekly interview based podcast discussing various challenges of implementing infosec

  • Security Weekly Podcast Network - Network of shows with various hosts
    A collection of podcasts including: Paul's Security Weekly, Enterprise Security Weekly, Business Security Weekly, Application Security Weekly, Security & Compliance Weekly, Security Weekly News, Tradecraft Security Weekly, & Secure Digital Life. Interesting and diverse discussions.
    Warning: Discussions sometimes promote the consumption of alcohol and smoking cigars
    These podcasts are long

  • Security Stories - Cisco with Hazel Burton, Ben Nahorney, & Noureen Njoroge (Weekly)
    A unique weekly interview-based podcast by sponsored by Cisco focusing on infosec stories

  • The Confident Defense Podcast - Conor Sherman (Weekly)
    Interviews with influential and inspirational people in all areas of security

  • Open Source Security Podcast - Kurt Seifried & Josh Bressers (Weekly)
    Lighthearted discussions of information security topics related to open source

See? I told you I listen to lots of podcasts!

I hope that this episode has introduced you to some new sources of information. Give some of them a try, and I would love to get your feedback.

The next episode will be about Information Security Careers & Personal Development

Thank you for listening.

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