Ken Fallon says: iRobot
RE: hpr4300::2025-01-24 Isaac Asimov: I, Robot by Ahukafrom the series Science Fiction and Fantasy.
00:18:25 Listen in
mp3 format.
I loved this series of stories.
And after rereading them I still love them despite "Why Asimov's Laws of Robotics Don't Work - Computerphile"
Kevin O'Brien says: More to come
RE: hpr4300::2025-01-24 Isaac Asimov: I, Robot by Ahukafrom the series Science Fiction and Fantasy.
00:18:25 Listen in
mp3 format.
I'm glad you are enjoying the Asimov. I have Arthur C. Clarke coming up later this year, some more Doctor Who, and then Robert A. Heinlein. I'm starting to think this series could last until I am put in a home. Which I hope will be in the far future, but I am 73 now so it is in sight.
Stilvoid says: Great series
RE: hpr4300::2025-01-24 Isaac Asimov: I, Robot by Ahukafrom the series Science Fiction and Fantasy.
00:18:25 Listen in
mp3 format.
Thanks Ahuka for putting these out! I’m thoroughly enjoying your run down of sci-fi. I think my tastes align pretty closely (I’ve read most of Asimov at least) and I’m still discovering some new stuff to put on my reading list.