Hacker Public Radio

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HPR4295: Three Holiday Hacks from 2023

Hosted by Ken Fallon on 2025-01-17 00:00:00
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In this reserve show, Ken

  1. replaces the battery in a SONY A10 telephone .
  2. Swaps out a loud fan for a quiet one in a RIGOL DS1054 .
  3. Then replaces the desktop of an Ikea BEKANT standing desk with a narrower LAGKAPTEN table top not meant for it.

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Ken Fallon says: Update after a year in the queue

RE: hpr4295::2025-01-17 Three Holiday Hacks from 2023 by Ken Fallon
00:07:50 Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
We never know how long these shows stay in the queue. This one took a year to come out. Not good or bad - just an observation. So here's an update on the progress.

The Phone is still working fine as a backup device.
Someone stole my free time so haven't had as much chance to use the RIGOL but it's also a lot nicer to use when I have.
Both desks are still going strong and I would recommend it to anyone..

Mastodon Comments

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