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HPR4231: Duplicating Multiple USB Flash Drives with DD and Tmux on FreeBSD

Hosted by Claudio Miranda on 2024-10-21 00:00:00
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Pre-planning and creating your image:

  1. Create your image with your preferred disk image creation tool. I used USB Image Tool to create an image from my "golden master" Windows 11 installation thumb drive A. USB Image Tool: https://www.alexpage.de/usb-image-tool

Prepare your Tmux session on your Linux or BSD-based system.

  1. 'tmux new -s $sessionName' to create a new Tmux session window with a session name of your choice.
  2. 'Ctrl-B-"' to create a horizontal split, putting one pane over the other.
  3. 'Ctrl-B-%' to create a vertical split, putting one pane next to the other.
  4. 'Ctrl-B-UpArrow' or 'Ctrl-B-DownArrow' to move to the pane you want to split if you split the window with a horizontal line.
  5. 'Ctrl-B-LeftArrow' or 'Ctrl-B-RightArrow' to move to the pane you want to split if you split the window with a vertical line.


Duplicate 4 USB thumb drives from a disk image within your new, split-paned Tmux session:

    • FreeBSD will show dmesg output on TTYv0, or you can use the dmesg command on Linux or BSD. You don't want to end up wiping your system drive!
  • Within your Tmux session:
    • Pane 1: 'dd if=$diskImageName of=/dev/da0 bs=1M status=progress' to begin imaging USB thumb drive #1.
    • Pane 2: 'dd if=$diskImageName of=/dev/da1 bs=1M status=progress' to begin imaging USB thumb drive #2.
    • Pane 3: 'dd if=$diskImageName of=/dev/da2 bs=1M status=progress' to begin imaging USB thumb drive #3.
    • Pane 4: 'dd if=$diskImageName of=/dev/da3 bs=1M status=progress' to begin imaging USB thumb drive #4.
    • 'Ctrl-B-:' to call the Tmux command prompt, followed by 'setw synchronize-panes' to sync the 4 panes to your commands. The primary pane will be highlighted in red, and the secondary panes will copy whatever command it typed into that primary pane.
    • Hit Enter to begin the process on all 4 panes.
    • When the image finishes, you can remove the USB thumbs drives, pop in 4 more, hit the Up arrow on the primary pane to pull up the previous commands on their respective panes, and hit Enter. When in doubt, refer to Step 0!!
    • Repeat as needed.

If you need to de-synchronize your Tmux panes, just type 'Ctrl-:' to call the Tmux command prompt, followed by 'setw synchronize-panes' to toggle pane synchronization on and off (or you can use the up arrow at the Tmux command prompt to bring up that previously-typed command).

The faster your USB ports and USB thumb drives, the better!

HPR Comments

Mastodon Comments

Ken Fallon (PA7KEN, G5KEN)


Claudio describes his process for mass USB flash drive duplication with FreeBSD, tmux, and dd.

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