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HPR4122: The Conference for Creative Use of the Radio Spectrum in Open Systems

Hosted by Ken Fallon on 2024-05-21 00:00:00
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Ken Talks to Marc Balmer and Kristoff Bonne about spectrum24, The Conference for Creative Use of the Radio Spectrum in Open Systems.

Following the success of the Software-Defined Radio and Amateur Radio devroom at FOSDEM, spectrum24 plans to bring users of the radio spectrum together.

For over a century, technology has made it possible to transfer more data, faster, further. Today, wireless technology is everywhere and commonplace. However, it remains a playground and a ground for innovation for many communities.

This conference is an opportunity to publicize your projects and allow the different communities that use the spectrum to meet over a weekend.

If you have an interesting talk you would like to give please see https://spectrum-conference.org/24/cfp for more information

spectrum24 will take place September 14./15. at SmartCity Campus (1 rue de Clairefontaine, 78120 Rambouillet.) at an old radio factory in Rambouillet near Paris, a short 15 minute walk from the train station.

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