Hacker Public Radio

Your ideas, projects, opinions - podcasted.

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HPR4086: HPR Community News for March 2024

Hosted by HPR Volunteers on 2024-04-01 00:00:00
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New hosts

Welcome to our new host:
Henrik Hemrin.

Last Month's Shows

Id Day Date Title Host
4065 Fri 2024-03-01 Framework 13 (13th gen Intel) review Noodlez
4066 Mon 2024-03-04 HPR Community News for February 2024 HPR Volunteers
4067 Tue 2024-03-05 Hacking AI Models to Protect your Livelihood hobs
4068 Wed 2024-03-06 Replacing a lightbulb in a microwave Oven MrX
4069 Thu 2024-03-07 Passwords and Bitwarden news. Some Guy On The Internet
4070 Fri 2024-03-08 Civilization III Ahuka
4071 Mon 2024-03-11 Migration to digiKam as Digital Asset Management (DAM) Henrik Hemrin
4072 Tue 2024-03-12 Piper text to speech engine Archer72
4073 Wed 2024-03-13 Is the 1990 documentary "Cyberpunk" worth watching today? Trixter
4074 Thu 2024-03-14 Jade Empire Daniel Persson
4075 Fri 2024-03-15 Making a Pomodoro Timer norrist
4076 Mon 2024-03-18 WLED House Lights! operat0r
4077 Tue 2024-03-19 FFMPEG Series: Joining and Splitting files Mr. Young
4078 Wed 2024-03-20 Learning to read music, part two: pitch enistello
4079 Thu 2024-03-21 The Corresponding Source Ken Fallon
4080 Fri 2024-03-22 Georgia to South Carolina Ahuka
4081 Mon 2024-03-25 The Oh No! News. Some Guy On The Internet
4082 Tue 2024-03-26 No swans at Swanston Dave Morriss
4083 Wed 2024-03-27 Drivecast: Man-talk. Some Guy On The Internet
4084 Thu 2024-03-28 Cloud learning Daniel Persson
4085 Fri 2024-03-29 Android User Land Google Assistant GPT operat0r

Comments this month

These are comments which have been made during the past month, either to shows released during the month or to past shows. There are 21 comments in total.

Past shows

There are 5 comments on 3 previous shows:

  • hpr3060 (2020-04-24) "Running a local imap server" by Ken Fallon.
    • Comment 1: Somebdy on 2024-03-19: "Nothing in particular"
    • Comment 2: Ken Fallon on 2024-03-20: "Very suspicious comment."

  • hpr4062 (2024-02-27) "HPR Music Series? - How will it go for the girl and me?" by Fred Black.
    • Comment 3: brian-in-ohio on 2024-03-01: "Good show"
    • Comment 4: norrist on 2024-03-02: "I loved the Music"

  • hpr4063 (2024-02-28) "Re: ChatGPT Output is not compatible with CC-BY-SA " by dnt.
    • Comment 1: brian-in-ohio on 2024-03-01: "Amen"

This month's shows

There are 16 comments on 9 of this month's shows:

  • hpr4067 (2024-03-05) "Hacking AI Models to Protect your Livelihood" by hobs.
    • Comment 1: Trey on 2024-03-05: "Dejavu... Is this the same as HPR4055?"

  • hpr4068 (2024-03-06) "Replacing a lightbulb in a microwave Oven" by MrX.
    • Comment 1: Trey on 2024-03-06: "Nicely done."
    • Comment 2: Ken Fallon on 2024-03-08: "Be very careful"

  • hpr4069 (2024-03-07) "Passwords and Bitwarden news." by Some Guy On The Internet.
    • Comment 1: Deltaray on 2024-03-10: "Thanks for the shout out"

  • hpr4071 (2024-03-11) "Migration to digiKam as Digital Asset Management (DAM)" by Henrik Hemrin.
    • Comment 1: Kevin O'Brien on 2024-03-15: "Good show!"

  • hpr4073 (2024-03-13) "Is the 1990 documentary "Cyberpunk" worth watching today?" by Trixter.
    • Comment 1: HPR Listener on 2024-03-16: "Restoration on archive.org"
    • Comment 2: Trixter on 2024-03-18: "A slightly better version"

  • hpr4075 (2024-03-15) "Making a Pomodoro Timer" by norrist.
    • Comment 1: Trey on 2024-03-15: "Great project"

  • hpr4077 (2024-03-19) "FFMPEG Series: Joining and Splitting files" by Mr. Young.
    • Comment 1: Henrik Hemrin on 2024-03-20: "Useful to learn how ffmpeg can be used"

  • hpr4078 (2024-03-20) "Learning to read music, part two: pitch" by enistello.
    • Comment 1: Trey on 2024-03-20: "Desperate plea for a drummer to respond?"

  • hpr4081 (2024-03-25) "The Oh No! News." by Some Guy On The Internet.
    • Comment 1: Trey on 2024-03-25: "Pearl clutching"
    • Comment 2: hpr listener on 2024-03-25: "Unnecessary insult"
    • Comment 3: Ken Fallon on 2024-03-26: "@hpr listener"
    • Comment 4: Some Guy on the Internet on 2024-03-26: "Desperately, with white knuckles, clutching pearls."
    • Comment 5: Henrik Hemrin on 2024-03-27: "/e/OS - an open source Android alternative"
    • Comment 6: Kevin O'Brien on 2024-03-28: "Good Show"

Mailing List discussions

Policy decisions surrounding HPR are taken by the community as a whole. This discussion takes place on the Mail List which is open to all HPR listeners and contributors. The discussions are open and available on the HPR server under Mailman.

The threaded discussions this month can be found here:


Events Calendar

With the kind permission of LWN.net we are linking to The LWN.net Community Calendar.

Quoting the site:

This is the LWN.net community event calendar, where we track events of interest to people using and developing Linux and free software. Clicking on individual events will take you to the appropriate web page.

Any other business

Many Podcatchers don't show the episode author

  • It seems that the author fields in RSS and Atom feeds are not shown by a number of Podcatchers. This field is intended to show the author details, and with HPR shows it contains an obfuscated email address and a name:
        ken.nospam@nospam.fallon.ie (Ken Fallon)
  • The lack of this information makes knowing who created a given HPR show difficult to determine before listening to it.

  • A question has been raised as to whether we could include the author details at the start of the show notes.

  • Comments are requested from the Community as to whether this would be a useful addition.

The Corresponding Source - renamed podcast

  • The Corresponding Source (formerly Free as in Freedom) is a bi-weekly oggcast, hosted and presented by Bradley M. Kuhn and Karen Sandler. The discussion includes legal, policy, and many other issues in the Free, Libre, and Open Source Software (FLOSS) world. Occasionally, guests join Bradley and Karen to discuss various topics regarding FLOSS.

HPR changes

  • The correspondent pages which show details of a particular correspondent (host), and lists their shows, have been enhanced to include the profile which has been uploaded by the host. This was present on the old site but was omitted on the static site. This was issue number 181 on the Gitea site, which has been closed.

Return of OggCamp

  • There are plans to hold OggCamp 2024 in Manchester, UK this year, after an absence of 5 years. It will be on October 12th and 13th at the The Manchester Conference Centre in the Pendulum Hotel near Picadilly Station, where the last OggCamp was held.

  • Details may be found on the OggCamp website, and announcements will be made on social media sites.

HPR Comments

Mastodon Comments

More Information...

Copyright Information

Unless otherwise stated, our shows are released under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) license.

The HPR Website Design is released to the Public Domain.