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HPR3792: Learning to read music, part one

Hosted by enistello on 2023-02-14 00:00:00
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Although many people can create music easily enough on their computers, not as many can read the traditional stave-and-dots notation that have been in use for hundreds of years.

In less than half an hour, you can grasp the basics of reading music in a way that's as natural as putting one foot in front of the other.

I'd advise either printing out the handout from https://enistello.info or having it on a screen you can see easily while outdoors. But it's not essential!

Keep your eyes (and ears) peeled for part two of this series on Hacker Public Radio, when I'll cover more complex rhythms and you'll learn a lot more about pitch in written music.

Handout and more information at:

The book I mention in this episode is The Songlines, by Bruce Chatwin, published in 1987, and available from all good bookshops. Don't buy it from Amazon, it only encourages them.

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