Hacker Public Radio

Your ideas, projects, opinions - podcasted.

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HPR3696: HPR Community News for September 2022

Hosted by HPR Volunteers on 2022-10-03 00:00:00
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New hosts

There were no new hosts this month.

Last Month's Shows

Id Day Date Title Host
3674 Thu 2022-09-01 Emergency Show posted in 2012. MUD Klaatu
3675 Fri 2022-09-02 Plan 9: An exercise in futility binrc
3676 Mon 2022-09-05 HPR Community News for August 2022 HPR Volunteers
3677 Tue 2022-09-06 Hacker Public Radio 2021 - 2022 New Years Show Part 4 Honkeymagoo
3678 Wed 2022-09-07 "Stupid Users" ... no, not those users, the other "stupid users" Lurking Prion
3679 Thu 2022-09-08 Linux Inlaws S01E64: Non-profits in the US: A closer look at 501(c)s monochromec
3680 Fri 2022-09-09 EDIT Ahuka
3681 Mon 2022-09-12 Rust 101 Episode 3: Functionally Insane BlacKernel
3682 Tue 2022-09-13 Hacker Public Radio 2021 - 2022 New Years Show Part 5 Honkeymagoo
3683 Wed 2022-09-14 Add a favourite to OSMAnd Ken Fallon
3684 Thu 2022-09-15 Wake on Lan JWP
3685 Fri 2022-09-16 Budget and an Android app Archer72
3686 Mon 2022-09-19 Followup for HPR3675: Clarifications on the path traversal bug binrc
3687 Tue 2022-09-20 Hacker Public Radio 2021 - 2022 New Years Show Part 6 Honkeymagoo
3688 Wed 2022-09-21 Education, Certifications, and sipping on the Socials Lurking Prion
3689 Thu 2022-09-22 Linux Inlaws S01E65: TerminusDB monochromec
3690 Fri 2022-09-23 Planning the Trip Ahuka
3691 Mon 2022-09-26 Starship.rs the best prompt I don't use Klaatu
3692 Tue 2022-09-27 What is a real hacker? Lurking Prion
3693 Wed 2022-09-28 Fixing the automatic cutoff mechanism to an electric mower Rho`n
3694 Thu 2022-09-29 Robo Tripping Ravelords of the Apocalypse Mechatroniac
3695 Fri 2022-09-30 How I watch youtube with newsboat binrc

Comments this month

These are comments which have been made during the past month, either to shows released during the month or to past shows. There are 39 comments in total.

Past shows

There are 8 comments on 8 previous shows:

This month's shows

There are 31 comments on 9 of this month's shows:

  • hpr3675 (2022-09-02) "Plan 9: An exercise in futility" by binrc.
    • Comment 1: one_of_spoons on 2022-09-02: "Directive gem."
    • Comment 2: ClaudioM on 2022-09-02: "plan9 / 9p"
    • Comment 3: norrist on 2022-09-02: "In-Depth Series: Learning Awk"
    • Comment 4: ken on 2022-09-03: "Editors note not Ken Fallon"
    • Comment 5: passerby on 2022-09-03: "fake news"
    • Comment 6: will on 2022-09-03: "come back to plan9"

  • hpr3676 (2022-09-05) "HPR Community News for August 2022" by HPR Volunteers.
    • Comment 1: Archer72 on 2022-09-04: "Good show - I made it to the end"
    • Comment 2: ClaudioM on 2022-09-05: "Another One Made It to the End!"
    • Comment 3: Mike Ray on 2022-09-05: "A11y and abbreviations"
    • Comment 4: operat0r on 2022-09-06: "I made it !"
    • Comment 5: folky on 2022-09-06: "Did make it too"
    • Comment 6: brian-in-ohio on 2022-09-06: "the show"
    • Comment 7: norrist on 2022-09-06: "Public access to HPR site Generator"
    • Comment 8: Miguel on 2022-09-06: "I made it!!"
    • Comment 9: Stache_AF on 2022-09-07: "Made It"

  • hpr3677 (2022-09-06) "Hacker Public Radio 2021 - 2022 New Years Show Part 4" by Honkeymagoo.
    • Comment 1: Ken Fallon on 2022-09-02: "Thanks To:"
    • Comment 2: Filly Buster on 2022-09-06: "Filibuster"

  • hpr3678 (2022-09-07) ""Stupid Users" ... no, not those users, the other "stupid users"" by Lurking Prion.
    • Comment 1: Some Guy On The Internet on 2022-09-08: "Stupid="NO BACKUPS!""
    • Comment 2: Lurking Prion on 2022-09-09: "No Backups"
    • Comment 3: Lurking Prion on 2022-09-09: "Not a podcast"
    • Comment 4: Some Guy On The Internet on 2022-09-10: "You're Fine (...preemptive strike)."

  • hpr3682 (2022-09-13) "Hacker Public Radio 2021 - 2022 New Years Show Part 5" by Honkeymagoo.
    • Comment 1: Ken Fallon on 2022-09-02: "Thanks To:"

  • hpr3687 (2022-09-20) "Hacker Public Radio 2021 - 2022 New Years Show Part 6" by Honkeymagoo.
    • Comment 1: Ken Fallon on 2022-09-02: "Thanks To:"

  • hpr3692 (2022-09-27) "What is a real hacker?" by Lurking Prion.
    • Comment 1: brian-in-ohio on 2022-09-27: "cussing"
    • Comment 2: Lurking Prion on 2022-09-28: "Yes, I probably need a hug"

  • hpr3694 (2022-09-29) "Robo Tripping Ravelords of the Apocalypse" by Mechatroniac.
    • Comment 1: one_of_spoons on 2022-09-29: "{inspirational artifice}"
    • Comment 2: ClaudioM on 2022-09-29: "Great Story"
    • Comment 3: Ken Fallon on 2022-09-29: "I loved this"
    • Comment 4: Mechatroniac on 2022-09-29: "Thanks"
    • Comment 5: brian-in-ohio on 2022-09-30: "the show"

  • hpr3695 (2022-09-30) "How I watch youtube with newsboat" by binrc.
    • Comment 1: folky on 2022-09-30: "Great for gpodder too"

Mailing List discussions

Policy decisions surrounding HPR are taken by the community as a whole. This discussion takes place on the Mail List which is open to all HPR listeners and contributors. The discussions are open and available on the HPR server under Mailman.

The threaded discussions this month can be found here:


Events Calendar

With the kind permission of LWN.net we are linking to The LWN.net Community Calendar.

Quoting the site:

This is the LWN.net community event calendar, where we track events of interest to people using and developing Linux and free software. Clicking on individual events will take you to the appropriate web page.

Any other business


FOSDEM 2023 will take place in Brussels, Belgium at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (or ULB) next February on the weekend of the 4th and 5th.

HPR had a stand at the last in-person event, representing Free Culture Podcasts. There is a call for proposals out at the moment for those wishing to run a stand for the forthcoming event.

Older HPR shows on archive.org, phase 2

Now that all shows from number 1 to the latest have been uploaded to the Internet Archive there are other tasks to perform. We are reprocessing and re-uploading shows in the range 871 to 2429 as explained in the Community News show notes released in May 2022. We are keeping a running total here to show progress:

Month Month count Running total Remainder
2022-04 130 130 1428
2022-05 140 270 1288
2022-06 150 420 1138
2022-07 155 575 983
2022-08 155 730 828
2022-09 150 880 678

Updated: 2022-10-02 11:47:18

HPR Comments

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Unless otherwise stated, our shows are released under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) license.

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