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HPR3528: Slackware on a netbook

Hosted by Archer72 on 2022-02-09 00:00:00
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Installed Slackware on Acer Aspire One

  • 4.4.14-smp #2 SMP Fri Jun 24 14:44:24 CDT 2016 i686 Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N270 @ 1.60GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

  • 1 Gb ram

    [mark@archer72:~ ] $ free total --mega
        total    used  free  shared  buff/cache   available
    Mem:           1009         172         376           0         459         692
    Swap:          1048           0        1048
  • Runs a little warm

    [mark@archer72:~ ] $ sensors
    Adapter: ISA adapter
    Core 0:       +45.0 ℃  (crit = +90.0 ℃)
  • Ignore lid switch

    echo on >/sys/bus/acpi/drivers/button/$PLATFORM\:00/power/control

    Or in this case

    echo on > /bus/acpi/drivers/button/LNXPWRBN\:00/power/control

  • Clear screen in BASH

    • Enter in ~/.bashrc the line:

      bind -x $'"\C-l":clear;'

    • Not working between reboots

If you always want the content of your .bashrc file processed, you can add the following lines to your .bash_profile file, creating that file if it does not already exist:

if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
    . ~/.bashrc

Per its man page, bash "[...] looks for ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, and ~/.profile, in that order, and reads and executes commands from the first one that exists and is readable." Conventions and policies of your local system will determine which, if any, of these files already exist.

A word of caution: be aware that creating a new .bash_profile in your home directory could have the unintended side-effect of preventing the reading and executing of commands in a .bash_login or .profile file already present, changing further the behavior of subsequent logins.


  • Change lilo menu timeout to 5 seconds

    • edit /etc/lilo.conf

      # This is given in tenths of a second, so 600 for every minute:
      # timeout = 1200
      timeout = 50
  • Add custom bash prompt.

      PS1=""[\d \t \u@\h:\w ]" $ "
      [Sat Feb 05 18:11:15 mark@archer72:~ ] $
  • For a more concise prompt:

      PS1="[\u@\h:\w ] $
      [mark@archer72:~ ] $
  • Not authorized to control networking

    sudo usermod -G netdev -a yourusername

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