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HPR3363: Electronics podcasts I listen to

Hosted by Archer72 on 2021-06-23 00:00:00
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Electronics podcasts

  1. Hackaday podcast

    Hackaday Editors take a look at all of the interesting uses of technology that pop up on the internet each week. Topics cover a wide range like bending consumer electronics to your will, designing circuit boards, building robots, writing software, 3D printing interesting objects, and using machine tools. Get your fix of geeky goodness from new episodes every Friday morning.

    Ep 117: Chiptunes in an RCA Plug, an Arduino Floppy Drive, $50 CNC, and Wireless Switches


  2. Embedded.fm

    Embedded.fm is a site dedicated to the many aspects of engineering. We talk about the how, why, and what of engineering, usually devices.

    The site includes a weekly audio show created and hosted by Elecia White and Christopher White. Our guests include makers, entrepreneurs, educators, and normal, traditional engineers. The show is a product of Logical Elegance, an embedded software consulting company.

    The site also includes a blog written by Elecia White, Christopher White, Andrei Chichak, and Chris Svec.


    371: All Martian Things Considered


    The best paper for learning more is from NASA’s JPL site:
    The Mars Science Laboratory Engineering Cameras

    Mars rovers wiki

    142: New and Improved Appendages

    Sarah is a kinetic artist and some of her projects include a robot army (built your own from parts printed out or purchased at robot-army.com) https://robot-army.com/

  3. The Amp Hour Electronics Podcast

    Dave Jones from the EEVblog in Sydney (Australia), and Chris Gammell from Contextual Electronics in Chicago (USA) discuss the world of electronics design in an hour long(ish) weekly show, recorded “live” without editing or a mute button! We are also joined every other week by guests throughout the electronics industry.

    The Amp Hour is a non-scripted off-the-cuff format show that usually airs every Sunday evening US time (recorded earlier in the week). It is the worlds largest and most respected electronics oriented radio show. Discussions range from hobbyist electronics to the state of the electronics industry, components, circuit design, and general on and off-topic rants.



    Youtube channel: bigclivedotcom


  4. The Contextual Electronics Podcast

    The CE Podcast is a video and audio podcast that posts twice per month. We discuss more than how electronics work and talk to our guests about why they are building them in the first place. we cover topics inside and outside the field of electronics and try to bring more context to the field.

    CEP012 – Mixed Media with Becky Stern


    Becky is an artist and content producer who works electronics into projects using a wide variety of media and construction techniques. Becky also teaches a class on electronics at SVA in NYC. She is a product manager at Instructables.

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