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HPR Comments

SolusSpider - Peter Paterson says: Spelling of tesseract

RE: hpr3315::2021-04-16 tesseract optical character recognition by Ken Fallon
00:02:08 Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format.
Apologies for the misspelling of tesseract in my previous comment.

SolusSpider - Peter Paterson says: Tessaract OCR User

RE: hpr3315::2021-04-16 tesseract optical character recognition by Ken Fallon
00:02:08 Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format.
Ken, I was talking with Archer72 / Mark today - of course I was.
Mentioned that I use Tessaract OCR for my MissionAssist work, and he informed me of your show.

MissionAssist is a UK based charity.
I volunteer for them as a Digitisation Keyboarder, receiving PDF scans of Bibles and other books, from people groups all over the world, and typing the chapter text into a structured text file.

Tessaract is a wonderful tool that helps me with a lot of the process, obtaining a text file and then working directly on it.

I do plan talking about this work as an HPR show.
Given my current workload and my wife's medical needs, it will probably be in the New Year.

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