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HPR3133: Quick tip - Using MPV with Youtube links

Hosted by Archer72 on 2020-08-05 00:00:00
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Quickly copy a Youtube or other video site, and open in the MPV media player.


Vim Vixen for Firefox

Surfingkeys for Chrome/Chromium browser


## mpvurl

url=`xsel -o -b`
echo $url
mpv $url

Rename /usr/bin/vlc to /usr/bin/vlc.old

Copy script to /usr/bin/vlc and chmod +x /usr/bin/vlc

How to use:

Vim Vixen copy is 'y' Surfingkeys copy is 'yy'

Shortcut to open copied video url is Shift-Mod-p, with Mod being the windows key

Tested with Gnome3, Xfce and i3

In i3, press Mod+v then Mod+s.

Any video played this way will be stacked under Firefox/Chromium for the rest of your session.


In ~/.config/i3/config

#Paste url into mpv player
bindsym $mod+Shift+p exec vlc

Example screenshots:

Example of stacked Firefox/MPV layout
Example of stacked Firefox/MPV layout

For Gnome3 the setting can be reached with Mod (Windows key) and Shortcuts
For Gnome3 the setting can be reached with Mod (Windows key) and Shortcuts

And the Default Applications need to be changed
And the Default Applications need to be changed

The setting for Shortcuts in Xfce looks like this
The setting for Shortcuts in Xfce looks like this


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