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HPR3089: For my Entertainment

Hosted by Archer72 on 2020-06-04 00:00:00
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I have a file server with Slackware running on a Pi4. I wanted to make the
movies and TV Shows easily accessible on the TV without using a DVD or Blu ray

It would give my wife and I a chance to sit and watch a show without much
fuss. The latest show we are on is Sue Thomas F.B. Eye.
The main character, Sue has been deaf from about the age of 4 years.
She is adept at reading lips and learned to speak despite being deaf.



The Pi4 is enclosed in a stripped out power supply that died on me. The fan
still worked, so I wired it to the Pi on the 5v line. It runs at half the
speed it was designed for, but that makes it run almost silent. With the
heatsinks added, stays about 35C when idle and 50C when encoding video.

Pi Networking.

I have 2 Pi's connected via ethernet. One is on with a gateway of, with the other on with a gateway of
Essentially just a crossover network. The reason for this is running Kodi on Pi4
has choppy video, but is better at running video encoding. So I linked it to a
Pi3 to run Kodi via a samba share from the Pi4.

Used OSMC for the kodi interface.
It was the distribution that was stable on my Pi and booted right to the Kodi


lsblk - List block devices
dd status=progress if=osmc.img of=/devsdX

Installing Slackware.

Get sources

root@mynixbox:/tmp# mkdir /slackarm
root@mynixbox:/tmp# mount /dev/sdc1 /slackarm
root@mynixbox:/tmp# cd /slackarm

To download Slackware ARM 14.2, type the following at the command prompt:

root@mynixbox:/slackarm# rsync -Prv --delete
ftp.slackware.uk::slackwarearm/slackwarearm-14.2 .

[FatDog says ...] DON'T forget the period "." at the end of the rsync command
or it won't work!

I made a directory called extras, under the /slackarm directory


upgradepkg --install-new (for each of these packages, after finishing the main Slackware installation.)

System Packages

sarpi4-boot-firmware-armv7l-1_slackcurrent_13May20_sp1.txz sarpi4-hacks-4.0-armv7l-1_slackcurrent_13May20_sp1.txz

Partitioning example

After mounting the sd card listed by the lsblk command, run
cfdisk /dev/mmcblk0 to partition the card.

mmcblk0 179:0 0 59.5G 0 disk 
|-mmcblk0p2 179:2 0 4G 0 part [SWAP]
|-mmcblk0p3 179:3 0 55.3G 0 part /
`-mmcblk0p1 179:1 0 150M 0 part
root@slack-server:mark # df -h /
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/root 55G 25G 28G 48% / mkfs.vfat /dev/mmcblk0p1
mkswap /dev/mmcblk0p2

Samba snippet

path = /mnt/media2/Movies/
writable = no
browsable = yes
read only = no
guest ok = no
public = no

fstab snippet (Kodi)

// /mnt/Movies cifs noauto,users,username=mark,password=*********** 0 0

Script to connect to the wifi network

mark@osmc:~$ cat /usr/bin/net.sh

connmanctl enable wifi
connmanctl connect wifi_HASH_managed_psk

Systemd service file

mark@osmc:~$ cat /lib/systemd/system/net.service

Description=Wifi network auto connect on boot
ExecStart=/bin/bash /usr/bin/net.sh


Since I sent the show notes, I had problems using the GUI way to set up
a static IP address on the OSMC section. Here is a more concise way to go about it.


It seems OSMC uses connman, so in order to create an ethernet static IP:

  1. Create a config file with your editor:

    sudo vim /var/lib/connman/osmc.config
  2. Add the following contents:

    Name = OSMC
    Description = OSMC static network configuration
    Type = ethernet
    IPv4 =
    Nameservers =,

    Make sure to change the IPv4 line to match your own network/netmask/gateway and Nameservers to use the ones you want.

  3. Reboot your RPi or restart the connman service:

    sudo systemctl restart connman

If you opt to restart connman, you’ll loose the connection.

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