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HPR3070: making vim xdg compatible

Hosted by crvs on 2020-05-08 00:00:00
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xdg vim config

To make vim load an alternative config file either use an alias or the VIMINIT variable. i.e. place either alias vim="vim -u ~/.config/vim/vimrc" or VIMINIT="source ~/.config/vim/vimrc" in your .bashrc (ironically, that one is still in my home folder).

Once that is loaded, you should source the following file after "nocompatible"

" file: ~/.config/vim/xdg.vim
if empty($XDG_CACHE_HOME)
    let $XDG_CACHE_HOME=$HOME."/.cache"

if empty($XDG_CONFIG_HOME)
    let $XDG_CONFIG_HOME=$HOME."/.config"

if empty($XDG_DATA_HOME)
    let $XDG_DATA_HOME=$HOME."/.local/share"

set directory=$XDG_CACHE_HOME/vim/swap,~/,/tmp
set backupdir=$XDG_CACHE_HOME/vim/backup,~/,/tmp
set undodir=$XDG_CACHE_HOME/vim/undo,~/,/tmp
set viminfo+=n$XDG_CACHE_HOME/vim/viminfo
set runtimepath+=$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim,$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim/after,$XDG_DATA_HOME/vim/bundle/Vundle.vim,$VIM,$VIMRUNTIME
let $MYVIMRC=$XDG_CONFIG_HOME."/vim/vimrc"

With this file in place you should call it from your vimrc

" file: ~/.config/vim/vimrc
set nocompatible
filetype off
source $HOME/.config/vim/xdg.vim
call vundle#begin()
let vundle#bundle_dir = expand("$XDG_DATA_HOME/vim/bundle")

" include your calls to Plugin here

call vundle#end()
filetype plugin indent on
syntax on

source ~/.config.

Note that it is important that all the paths are defined BEFORE Vundle (or whatever is your plugin manager) is called, since the path to it is defined in xdg.vim.

You can check my full vim config at gitlab.


The vim script I modified my config from - https://gist.github.com/dkasak/6ae1c6bf0d771155f23b


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