Hacker Public Radio

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HPR3010: FOSDEM first impressions

Hosted by Andrew Conway on 2020-02-14 00:00:00
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FOSDEM is the biggest Free and Open Source conference in the world and on its 20th anniversary I decided to attend for the first time. By a good turn of fate, and some well-judged pitching, Ken Fallon secured a stand for the Free Culture Podcasts project which is an umbrella group that covers HPR, many of the shows on The Other Side Network and many more excellent podcasts that are released under creative commons licenses.

This audio is recorded in snippets in between manning the stand and gives some off-the-cuff observations from a FOSDEM noob. I was surprised to find that relatively few visitors to our stand had heard of HPR, which we quickly rectified of course, and I give a brief summary of the feedback we received. Also mentioned in this show, but not actually appearing, are my co-conspirators at FOSDEM, Ken, Beni, JWP as well as Dave Morriss who unfortunately wasn't able to join us in person but was very much there in spirit.

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