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HPR2993: 2019-2020 New Year Show Episode 2

Hosted by HPR Volunteers on 2020-01-22 00:00:00
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Hacker Public Radio 2019-20 New Year Show Episode 2

11:00 - 16:30 EST (16:00 - 21:30 UTC)

  • TonyH & JoeB chat: ThinkPads, podcasts they are involved with
  • KenF explains podcast download stats
  • Commercial podcasts hurting the little guy?
  • TonyH & JoeB chat: Headphones
  • TonyH & Popey chat: Food, games, first computer experience
  • Moss joins in
  • Old data storage: cassette tapes, Zip & Jazz drives
  • Thaj joins Moss & JoeB: Favorite books & authors
  • Netminer discusses Autism
  • Automobile inspections
  • Netminer & TonyH chat: personal property boundary issues
  • Handsome_pirate joins: steam engine chat
  • HonkeyMagoo joins
  • David Richards steam engine Youtube channel -https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBdj-vOveiEFWe3vnGoJUag
  • Mass transit, city traffic
  • Corporate America philosophy
  • Worker unions
  • Fireworks
  • Wimpy joins
  • Ubuntu Mate discussion
  • Donating used PC's
  • https://8bitversus.com/
  • Timezone confusion??
  • Ubuntu podcast
  • TonyH: how he discovered Linux

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