Hacker Public Radio

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HPR2741: HPR Community News for January 2019

Hosted by HPR Volunteers on 2019-02-04 00:00:00
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New hosts

There were no new hosts this month.

Last Month's Shows

Id Day Date Title Host
2717 Tue 2019-01-01 Mobile Device Security Edward Miro / c1ph0r
2718 Wed 2019-01-02 Genre In Storytelling lostnbronx
2719 Thu 2019-01-03 Bash Tips - 17 Dave Morriss
2720 Fri 2019-01-04 Download youtube channels using the rss feeds Ken Fallon
2721 Mon 2019-01-07 HPR Community News for December 2018 HPR Volunteers
2722 Tue 2019-01-08 RAID 6 a short description JWP
2723 Wed 2019-01-09 Using Elm in context of 4X game client Tuula
2724 Thu 2019-01-10 Using a DIN Rail to mount a Raspberry Pi Dave Morriss
2725 Fri 2019-01-11 The Illumos Shutdown Command Explained klaatu
2726 Mon 2019-01-14 Home Theater - Part 2 Software (High Level) operat0r
2727 Tue 2019-01-15 Passwords Edward Miro / c1ph0r
2728 Wed 2019-01-16 The Unreliable Narrator In Storytelling lostnbronx
2729 Thu 2019-01-17 Bash Tips - 18 Dave Morriss
2730 Fri 2019-01-18 Resizing images for vcard on Android Ken Fallon
2731 Mon 2019-01-21 My 8 bit Christmas Andrew Conway
2732 Tue 2019-01-22 Storytelling formula compliance klaatu
2733 Wed 2019-01-23 Writing Web Game in Haskell - News and Notifications Tuula
2734 Thu 2019-01-24 Mashpodder MrX
2735 Fri 2019-01-25 Soffritto Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212
2736 Mon 2019-01-28 Response to show 2720 Dave Morriss
2737 Tue 2019-01-29 My Pioneer RT-707 Reel-to-Reel Tape Deck Jon Kulp
2738 Wed 2019-01-30 My Applications Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212
2739 Thu 2019-01-31 Bash Tips - 19 Dave Morriss

Comments this month

These are comments which have been made during the past month, either to shows released during the month or to past shows.
There are 29 comments in total.

There are 8 comments on 4 previous shows:

  • hpr2629 (2018-08-30) "Thoughts on language learning part 3 - game/story mode." by dodddummy.
    • Comment 2: dodddummy on 2019-01-08: "The Stanley Parable"

  • hpr2668 (2018-10-24) "Explaining the controls on my Amateur HF Radio Part 3" by MrX.
    • Comment 3: MrX on 2019-01-10: "Re Comment 1 from Michael"
    • Comment 4: MrX on 2019-01-10: "Re Comment 2 from lostnbronx"

  • hpr2709 (2018-12-20) "Bash Tips - 16" by Dave Morriss.
    • Comment 1: dodddummy on 2019-01-08: "In case you are worried Dave will run out of material"
    • Comment 2: Dave Morriss on 2019-01-08: "Bash-5.0"

  • hpr2712 (2018-12-25) "Steganography" by klaatu.
    • Comment 2: ShortFatBaldGuy on 2019-01-04: "Great episode/series"
    • Comment 3: Klaatu on 2019-01-07: "no lucky winners"
    • Comment 4: Klaatu on 2019-01-07: "Thanks Scott"

There are 21 comments on 9 of this month's shows:

  • hpr2717 (2019-01-01) "Mobile Device Security" by Edward Miro / c1ph0r.

  • hpr2719 (2019-01-03) "Bash Tips - 17" by Dave Morriss.
    • Comment 1: Ken Fallon on 2019-01-07: "Things I didn't know"
    • Comment 2: Dave Morriss on 2019-01-07: "Substring manipulation"

  • hpr2721 (2019-01-07) "HPR Community News for December 2018" by HPR Volunteers.
    • Comment 1: Dave Morriss on 2019-01-15: "Very nice show!"
    • Comment 2: Windigo on 2019-01-16: "Listening through the back catalog"

  • hpr2725 (2019-01-11) "The Illumos Shutdown Command Explained" by klaatu.
    • Comment 1: ClaudioM on 2019-01-11: "Quite a Different Shutdown"

  • hpr2726 (2019-01-14) "Home Theater - Part 2 Software (High Level)" by operat0r.

  • hpr2728 (2019-01-16) "The Unreliable Narrator In Storytelling" by lostnbronx.
    • Comment 1: Ken Fallon on 2019-01-17: "As a means for telling two stories at once ?"

  • hpr2731 (2019-01-21) "My 8 bit Christmas" by Andrew Conway.
    • Comment 1: Tuula on 2019-01-23: "amazing memories"
    • Comment 2: Dave Morriss on 2019-01-23: "This was a real treat"
    • Comment 3: Jon Kulp on 2019-01-23: "I love legacy hardware"
    • Comment 4: timttmy on 2019-01-23: "first contact"
    • Comment 5: rtsn on 2019-01-25: "c0mment"
    • Comment 6: Mike Ray on 2019-01-25: "Jealous"

  • hpr2734 (2019-01-24) "Mashpodder" by MrX.
    • Comment 1: Klaatu on 2019-01-17: "Coincidentally..."
    • Comment 2: MrX on 2019-01-20: "Re Coincidentally..."

  • hpr2737 (2019-01-29) "My Pioneer RT-707 Reel-to-Reel Tape Deck" by Jon Kulp.
    • Comment 1: Jon Kulp on 2019-01-29: "Tape counter is functioning now"
    • Comment 2: Bookewyrmm on 2019-01-29: "ancient media"
    • Comment 3: Jon Kulp on 2019-01-29: "Victrola episode"
    • Comment 4: Dave Morriss on 2019-01-29: "Wow! What a beautiful tape deck!"
    • Comment 5: Jon Kulp on 2019-01-29: "I want one!"

Mailing List discussions

Policy decisions surrounding HPR are taken by the community as a whole. This discussion takes place on the Mail List which is open to all HPR listeners and contributors. The discussions are open and available on the HPR server under Mailman.

The threaded discussions this month can be found here:


Any other business

  • Google+ is going away on April 2nd. Everything is going to be deleted so backup your files before then.

  • Mad Sweeney wrote to inform us about https://dnsflagday.net/ Some “DNS software and service providers […] have agreed to coordinate removing accommodations for non-compliant DNS implementations from their software or services, on or around February 1st 2019”

Tags and Summaries

Over the period tags and/or summaries have been added to 11 shows which were without them.

If you would like to contribute to the tag/summary project visit the summary page at https://hackerpublicradio.org/report_missing_tags.php and follow the instructions there.

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