Hacker Public Radio

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HPR2676: HPR Community News for October 2018

Hosted by HPR Volunteers on 2018-11-05 00:00:00
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New hosts

Welcome to our new host:
Yannick the french guy from Switzerland.

Last Month's Shows

Id Day Date Title Host
2651 Mon 2018-10-01 HPR Community News for September 2018 HPR Volunteers
2652 Tue 2018-10-02 Liverpool Makefest 2018 - Interview with Caroline and John Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212
2653 Wed 2018-10-03 Using the EXACT Function in Excel Shane Shennan
2654 Thu 2018-10-04 Making Crepes Shane Shennan
2655 Fri 2018-10-05 Sleep Apnea and Afib Ahuka
2656 Mon 2018-10-08 Explaining the controls on my Amateur HF Radio Part 2 MrX
2657 Tue 2018-10-09 Why we are all going to shit in 30 years due to computers Jeroen Baten
2658 Wed 2018-10-10 Questions on podcast production Al
2659 Thu 2018-10-11 Further ancillary Bash tips - 11 Dave Morriss
2660 Fri 2018-10-12 Installing a bootloader on an Arduino Ken Fallon
2661 Mon 2018-10-15 My Music Production Setup Claudio Miranda
2662 Tue 2018-10-16 Repairing a motherboard Archer72
2663 Wed 2018-10-17 Short review on a 2.5 inch SSD/HDD caddy Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212
2664 Thu 2018-10-18 My git workflow Yannick the french guy from Switzerland
2665 Fri 2018-10-19 Exercise and Diet Ahuka
2666 Mon 2018-10-22 Slackware Post-Install m1rr0r5h4d35
2667 Tue 2018-10-23 Create PDF bookmarks with Pdftk klaatu
2668 Wed 2018-10-24 Explaining the controls on my Amateur HF Radio Part 3 MrX
2669 Thu 2018-10-25 Additional ancillary Bash tips - 12 Dave Morriss
2670 Fri 2018-10-26 Character Arcs In Storytelling lostnbronx
2671 Mon 2018-10-29 Algae farming with Desearcher m1rr0r5h4d35
2672 Tue 2018-10-30 Porteus klaatu
2673 Wed 2018-10-31 Urandom - Ohio Linux Fest 2-18 Podcaster Roundtable Thaj Sara

Comments this month

These are comments which have been made during the past month, either to shows released during the month or to past shows.
There are 49 comments in total.

There are 13 comments on 10 previous shows:

  • hpr1308 (2013-08-07) "Helping a New Computer User" by Shane Shennan.
    • Comment 1: Gort on 2018-10-08: "Computer Intro Outline"
    • Comment 2: Shane Shennan on 2018-10-12: "Thanks, Gort!"

  • hpr1512 (2014-05-20) "Adopting and Renovating a Public-Domain Counterpoint Textbook" by Jon Kulp.
    • Comment 3: Jon Kulp on 2018-10-02: "Talk about reviving..."

  • hpr2134 (2016-10-06) "Shutdown Sequence Systemd" by klaatu.
    • Comment 2: david pellecchia on 2018-10-07: "systemd service"

  • hpr2608 (2018-08-01) "BattleTech" by Tuula.
    • Comment 3: Bookewyrmm on 2018-10-09: "Fandom"
    • Comment 4: Tuula on 2018-10-24: "MechWarrior online"

  • hpr2627 (2018-08-28) "Home Phone Setup!!" by sigflup.
    • Comment 7: clacke on 2018-10-01: "Re: stoop"

  • hpr2635 (2018-09-07) "Running your own mainframe on Linux (for fun and profit)" by Jeroen Baten.
    • Comment 3: Jan on 2018-10-02: "Second Reading"

  • hpr2640 (2018-09-14) "Another Rambling Drive Into Work" by MrX.
    • Comment 2: MrX on 2018-10-03: "Re Audio quality"
    • Comment 3: lostnbronx@gmail.com on 2018-10-14: "Great Sound Quality"

  • hpr2644 (2018-09-20) "Error on show 2642" by folky.
    • Comment 4: clacke on 2018-10-01: "Re: Kvalificerat hemligt"

  • hpr2648 (2018-09-26) "Explaining the controls on my Amateur HF Radio Part 1" by MrX.
    • Comment 2: MrX on 2018-10-03: "Re Thanks pas"

  • hpr2650 (2018-09-28) "My Pocket Knife" by Shane Shennan.
    • Comment 2: Shane Shennan on 2018-10-01: "Link about Milk Bags"

There are 36 comments on 8 of this month's shows:

  • hpr2651 (2018-10-01) "HPR Community News for September 2018" by HPR Volunteers.
    • Comment 1: Ken Fallon on 2018-09-30: "The loop issue"
    • Comment 2: Dave Morriss on 2018-09-30: "Re: The loop issue"
    • Comment 3: Ken Fallon on 2018-09-30: "Clarify"
    • Comment 4: Dave Morriss on 2018-09-30: "Re: Clarify"
    • Comment 5: Dave Morriss on 2018-09-30: "Does the comment system remove backslashes?"
    • Comment 6: folky on 2018-10-01: "Material for a show"
    • Comment 7: Ken Fallon on 2018-10-01: "touché Sir"
    • Comment 8: clacke on 2018-10-01: "subshell issues"
    • Comment 9: clacke on 2018-10-01: "Kvalificerat hemligt"
    • Comment 10: clacke on 2018-10-01: "Re: Intro volume"
    • Comment 11: Dave Morriss on 2018-10-01: "She sells subshells..."
    • Comment 12: clacke on 2018-10-01: "Re: TTS over intro music"
    • Comment 13: clacke on 2018-10-01: "That brings back memories"

  • hpr2654 (2018-10-04) "Making Crepes" by Shane Shennan.
    • Comment 1: lostnbronx on 2018-10-08: "Great Recipe"
    • Comment 2: Jonas on 2018-10-08: "How I make crepes"
    • Comment 3: Shane Shennan on 2018-10-09: "Brown Sugar!"
    • Comment 4: Shane Shennan on 2018-10-09: "Thanks for sharing your technique!"

  • hpr2657 (2018-10-09) "Why we are all going to shit in 30 years due to computers" by Jeroen Baten.
    • Comment 1: Brian in Ohio on 2018-10-10: "Mr Baten's shows"
    • Comment 2: dodddummy on 2018-10-14: "You keep putting out my shows before I do!"
    • Comment 3: Denise on 2018-10-19: "The podcast content"

  • hpr2658 (2018-10-10) "Questions on podcast production" by Al.
    • Comment 1: Ken Fallon on 2018-10-10: "This does NOT have to apply to HPR shows."

  • hpr2666 (2018-10-22) "Slackware Post-Install" by m1rr0r5h4d35.
    • Comment 1: Clinton Roy on 2018-10-21: "systemd information"
    • Comment 2: Brian in Ohio on 2018-10-24: "wicd"

  • hpr2667 (2018-10-23) "Create PDF bookmarks with Pdftk" by klaatu.
    • Comment 1: b-yeezi on 2018-10-23: "gcj deprecated"
    • Comment 2: Clinton Roy on 2018-10-23: "debian"
    • Comment 3: Klaatu on 2018-10-31: "Thanks for the snap tip"

  • hpr2668 (2018-10-24) "Explaining the controls on my Amateur HF Radio Part 3" by MrX.
    • Comment 1: Michael on 2018-10-31: "Great Episodes!"

  • hpr2669 (2018-10-25) "Additional ancillary Bash tips - 12" by Dave Morriss.
    • Comment 1: Mad Sweeney on 2018-10-26: "Quoted Literals in Regex"
    • Comment 2: Mad Sweeney on 2018-10-26: "Re: Quoted Literals in Regex"
    • Comment 3: Stuart Little on 2018-10-26: "quoting portions of regex"
    • Comment 4: Mad Sweeney on 2018-10-26: "Re: Quoted Literals in Regex"
    • Comment 5: Dave Morriss on 2018-10-27: "Thanks for the combined wisdom being directed at my question"
    • Comment 6: Dave Morriss on 2018-10-27: "Backslashes in comments"
    • Comment 7: Mad Sweeney on 2018-10-27: "Not just backslashes"
    • Comment 8: Dave Morriss on 2018-10-27: "Comments eating ampersands?"
    • Comment 9: Mad Sweeney on 2018-10-27: "Re: Comments eating ampersands?"

Mailing List discussions

Policy decisions surrounding HPR are taken by the community as a whole. This discussion takes place on the Mail List which is open to all HPR listeners and contributors. The discussions are open and available on the HPR server under Mailman.

The threaded discussions this month can be found here:


Any other business

Tags and Summaries

Over the period tags and/or summaries have been added to 23 shows which were without them.

If you would like to contribute to the tag/summary project visit the summary page at https://hackerpublicradio.org/report_missing_tags.php and follow the instructions there.

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