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HPR2516: Intro to git branch

Hosted by Klaatu on 2018-03-26 00:00:00
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These are all the commands covered in this episode. This is not a sequence, it's just all the commands in the episode, listed one after another.

Get changes from the remote repo:

$ git fetch

See all branches:

$ git branch --all

View a remote branch after you have fetched it:

$ git checkout origin/dev

Create a copy of a fetched remote branch in your local repo:

$ git checkout dev

Merge changes from remote origin/master into your local master branch:

$ git merge master origin/master

Fetch and merge automatically:

$ git pull

Create a new branch, and change to it:

$ git checkout -b dev

Merge dev into master:

$ git checkout master
$ git merge master dev

Merge master into dev

$ git checkout dev
$ git merge dev master

Delete the dev branch:

$ git branch -d dev

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