Hacker Public Radio

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HPR2416: HPR Community News for October 2017

Hosted by HPR Volunteers on 2017-11-06 00:00:00
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New hosts

There were no new hosts this month.

Last Month's Shows

Id Day Date Title Host
2391 Mon 2017-10-02 HPR Community News for September 2017 HPR Volunteers
2392 Tue 2017-10-03 Weather, Ogg Camp, Server Room, ITO collection JWP
2393 Wed 2017-10-04 PWGen - A password generator Xoke
2394 Thu 2017-10-05 The Lost Episode NYbill
2395 Fri 2017-10-06 Obamacare Ahuka
2396 Mon 2017-10-09 Information Underground: State of independence lostnbronx
2397 Tue 2017-10-10 The Urban Astronomer Dave Morriss
2398 Wed 2017-10-11 AutoHotkey Master of Automation ? operat0r
2399 Thu 2017-10-12 Using Super Glue to create Landmarks on Keyboards dodddummy
2400 Fri 2017-10-13 My commute into work thelovebug
2401 Mon 2017-10-16 Music Theory Hara-Kiri TheDUDE
2402 Tue 2017-10-17 Petition: the card game for fanatics klaatu
2403 Wed 2017-10-18 Amateur Radio Round Table #3 Various Hosts
2404 Thu 2017-10-19 Open Source Gaming #1: Meridian59 TheDUDE
2405 Fri 2017-10-20 Nokia 6 Review Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212
2406 Mon 2017-10-23 Putting Ends onto CAT6 Ethernet Cables Shane Shennan
2407 Tue 2017-10-24 The Lost Episode Part 2 NYbill
2408 Wed 2017-10-25 My Current Favourite Podcasts Shane Shennan
2409 Thu 2017-10-26 RPG Counternote lostnbronx
2410 Fri 2017-10-27 OLF 2017 Report Ahuka
2411 Mon 2017-10-30 Information Underground: Co-op Paradise lostnbronx
2412 Tue 2017-10-31 The Call of Cthulhu HPR_AudioBookClub

Comments this month

These are comments which have been made during the past month, either to shows released during the month or to past shows.
There are 33 comments in total.

There are 15 comments on 8 previous shows:

  • hpr2150 (2016-10-28) "Apollo Guidance Computer" by Ken Fallon.
    • Comment 5: Ken Fallon on 2017-10-29: "The Apollo Saturn V Launch Vehicle Digital Computer (LVDC) Circuit Board"

  • hpr2302 (2017-05-30) "Bash snippet - nullglob" by Dave Morriss.
    • Comment 3: clacke on 2017-10-05: "nullglob in the wild"
    • Comment 4: Dave Morriss on 2017-10-07: "A wild nullglob appears"

  • hpr2376 (2017-09-11) "Information Underground: 21st Century Superstar" by deepgeek.

  • hpr2377 (2017-09-12) "A Rambling Drive Into Work" by MrX.
    • Comment 3: MrX on 2017-10-18: "Reply to Comment 1"
    • Comment 4: MrX on 2017-10-18: "Answer to comment 2"

  • hpr2378 (2017-09-13) "Why Docbook?" by klaatu.
    • Comment 5: clacke on 2017-10-05: "SGML"
    • Comment 6: clacke on 2017-10-05: "Markdown"
    • Comment 7: Bob Jonkman on 2017-10-17: "Referenced your podcast in our NonProfit SysAdmin meeting"
    • Comment 8: Bob Jonkman on 2017-10-17: "Should have provided a link to the KWNPSA meeting"

  • hpr2381 (2017-09-18) "Benefits of a tabletop" by klaatu.
    • Comment 3: klaatu on 2017-10-01: "Thanks for the comments"

  • hpr2384 (2017-09-21) "Slackware in Scotland" by Andrew Conway.
    • Comment 2: klaatu on 2017-10-01: "Slackware everywhere!!!"
    • Comment 3: cobra2 on 2017-10-07: "MMMMM slackware!"

  • hpr2385 (2017-09-22) "Healthcare Costs" by Ahuka.
    • Comment 3: Kevin O'Brien on 2017-10-05: "Reply to b-yeezi"
    • Comment 4: Kevin O'Brien on 2017-10-05: "Reply to Bob"

There are 18 comments on 9 of this month's shows:

  • hpr2394 (2017-10-05) "The Lost Episode" by NYbill.
    • Comment 1: NYbill on 2017-11-04: "New Version"
    • Comment 2: Ken Fallon on 2017-11-04: ""Then I can do a followup to this episode.""
    • Comment 3: NYbill on 2017-11-04: "Oi!"

  • hpr2396 (2017-10-09) "Information Underground: State of independence" by lostnbronx.
    • Comment 1: TheDUDE on 2017-11-04: "The struggle is real"

  • hpr2397 (2017-10-10) "The Urban Astronomer" by Dave Morriss.
    • Comment 1: Kevin O'Brien on 2017-11-04: "Enjoyed this show"
    • Comment 2: Dave Morriss on 2017-11-04: "Thanks Kevin"

  • hpr2398 (2017-10-11) "AutoHotkey Master of Automation ?" by operat0r.

  • hpr2399 (2017-10-12) "Using Super Glue to create Landmarks on Keyboards" by dodddummy.
    • Comment 1: jan on 2017-11-04: "hpr2399"
    • Comment 2: dodddummy on 2017-11-04: "Shows on the mainframe"
    • Comment 3: Shane Shennan on 2017-11-04: "Great Episode!"

  • hpr2402 (2017-10-17) "Petition: the card game for fanatics" by klaatu.
    • Comment 1: mcnalu on 2017-11-04: "Intriguing"

  • hpr2404 (2017-10-19) "Open Source Gaming #1: Meridian59" by TheDUDE.
    • Comment 1: TheDUDE on 2017-11-04: "More Links"

  • hpr2405 (2017-10-20) "Nokia 6 Review" by Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212.
    • Comment 1: Quvmoh on 2017-11-04: "Great show"

  • hpr2407 (2017-10-24) "The Lost Episode Part 2" by NYbill.
    • Comment 1: Mike Ray on 2017-11-04: "avrdude, fuses, clone programmers etc."
    • Comment 2: Ken Fallon on 2017-11-04: "Ordered"
    • Comment 3: NYbill on 2017-11-04: "Thanks, Mike."
    • Comment 4: NYbill on 2017-11-04: "Nice ken."
    • Comment 5: NYbill on 2017-11-04: "...We will expect a show about the build, Ken."

Mailing List discussions

Policy decisions surrounding HPR are taken by the community as a whole. This discussion takes place on the Mail List which is open to all HPR listeners and contributors. The discussions are open and available on the HPR server under Mailman.

The threaded discussions this month can be found here:


Any other business

HPR Shows on archive.org

HPR show notes which contain images or which link to other files are something we encourage. However, when uploading these to the Internet Archive (IA) at archive.org there are a number of issues:

  • If a file has been submitted as part of the original HPR upload we copy it to archive.org and use the URL of the copy in the notes. This mechanism has been added in the past few months and seems to be working fine.

  • If the notes for a show contain links to external files these do not always seem to be accessible through the archive.org interface. For example, the recent show 2406 links to an image showing the cabling of a CAT6 plug, but the archive.org copy did not show this image (though it does now - see below).

  • One way of dealing with the issue of external files would be to make a copy and place it on the HPR site, then it would be uploaded to the IA as described earlier. This might have copyright issues though.

  • Another way would be to point to a copy on the Wayback Machine (WM). Sometimes the file has been copied there already, or it is possible to request that the WM snapshot it. This is what was done for the IA copy of show 2406. However, it was a manual process and therefore rather labour-intensive, which is not ideal.

Any suggestions on how to deal with this situation would be appreciated.

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