Hacker Public Radio

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HPR2306: HPR Community News for May 2017

Hosted by HPR Volunteers on 2017-06-05 00:00:00
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New hosts

Welcome to our new hosts:
TheDUDE, Knox.

Last Month's Shows

Id Day Date Title Host
2281 Mon 2017-05-01 HPR Community News for April 2017 HPR Volunteers
2282 Tue 2017-05-02 Pathfinder Adventure Card Game klaatu
2283 Wed 2017-05-03 Saving money shaving with double and single edge safety razors Dave Yates
2284 Thu 2017-05-04 Resurrecting a dead ethernet switch mirwi
2285 Fri 2017-05-05 The Tick Conspiracy TheDUDE
2286 Mon 2017-05-08 Surviving a Stroke Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212
2287 Tue 2017-05-09 Desparately Seeking Saving RMS - Introduction dodddummy
2288 Wed 2017-05-10 Installing and using virtualenvwrapper for python Knox
2289 Thu 2017-05-11 Sendy Send. Tell if your email has been read!! sigflup
2290 Fri 2017-05-12 How to change the height of your Ironing board Ken Fallon
2291 Mon 2017-05-15 Arch on CELES Hannah, of Terra, of Sol
2292 Tue 2017-05-16 Baofeng UV5R VHF/UHF Handset part 1 MrX
2293 Wed 2017-05-17 More supplementary Bash tips Dave Morriss
2294 Thu 2017-05-18 Activities with a Toddler Shane Shennan
2295 Fri 2017-05-19 MX Linux Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212
2296 Mon 2017-05-22 Baofeng UV5R VHF/UHF Handset part 2 MrX
2297 Tue 2017-05-23 More Magnatune Favourites Dave Morriss
2298 Wed 2017-05-24 Phantom Power Drain brian
2299 Thu 2017-05-25 What's in My Bag Shane Shennan
2300 Fri 2017-05-26 The first Intel CompuStick JWP
2301 Mon 2017-05-29 Baofeng UV5R VHF/UHF Handset part 3 MrX
2302 Tue 2017-05-30 Bash snippet - nullglob Dave Morriss
2303 Wed 2017-05-31 Kdenlive Part 5 All About Audio Geddes

Mailing List discussions

Policy decisions surrounding HPR are taken by the community as a whole. This discussion takes place on the Mail List which is open to all HPR listeners and contributors. The discussions are open and available in the archives run externally by Gmane (see below) and on the HPR server under Mailman.

Note: since the summer of 2016 Gmane has changed location and is currently being reestablished. At the moment the HPR archive is not available there.

The threaded discussions this month can be found here:


Comments this month

These are comments which have been made during the past month, either to shows released during the month or to past shows.
There are 50 comments in total.

There are 8 comments on 8 previous shows:

There are 42 comments on 16 of this month's shows:

  • hpr2281 (2017-05-01) "HPR Community News for April 2017" by HPR Volunteers.
    • Comment 1: dodddummy on 2017-05-06: "dodddummy"
    • Comment 2: Dave Morriss on 2017-05-16: "Thanks for the explanation"

  • hpr2283 (2017-05-03) "Saving money shaving with double and single edge safety razors" by Dave Yates.
    • Comment 1: Quvmoh on 2017-05-03: "Smooth show"
    • Comment 2: dodddummy on 2017-05-04: "Dave! The whole time i was wondering"
    • Comment 3: Roan on 2017-05-08: "Mechanical saftey razors"
    • Comment 4: Frank on 2017-05-22:"[no title]"
    • Comment 5: Jonas on 2017-05-29: "Welcome back!"

  • hpr2284 (2017-05-04) "Resurrecting a dead ethernet switch" by mirwi.
    • Comment 1: Krayon on 2017-05-04: "Good job!"
    • Comment 2: Jonathan Kulp on 2017-05-05: "well done"

  • hpr2286 (2017-05-08) "Surviving a Stroke" by Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212.
    • Comment 1: Clinton Roy on 2017-05-08: "Fatigue"
    • Comment 2: Tony Hughes on 2017-05-09: "Fatigue"
    • Comment 3: Jonas on 2017-05-29: "Great Info. "

  • hpr2287 (2017-05-09) "Desparately Seeking Saving RMS - Introduction" by dodddummy.
    • Comment 1: Brenda J. Butler on 2017-05-10:"[no title]"
    • Comment 2: dodddummy on 2017-05-14: "Thatnks for the tip"

  • hpr2288 (2017-05-10) "Installing and using virtualenvwrapper for python" by Knox.
    • Comment 1: droops on 2017-05-11: "Great episode"
    • Comment 2: BiasOpinion on 2017-05-16: "More Python Help Please"
    • Comment 3: Windigo on 2017-05-31: "Excellent advice"

  • hpr2289 (2017-05-11) "Sendy Send. Tell if your email has been read!!" by sigflup.

  • hpr2290 (2017-05-12) "How to change the height of your Ironing board" by Ken Fallon.

  • hpr2292 (2017-05-16) "Baofeng UV5R VHF/UHF Handset part 1" by MrX.
    • Comment 1: Dave Morriss on 2017-05-18: "Strange urge to make a show..."
    • Comment 2: MrX on 2017-05-31: "Re. Strange urge to make a show..."

  • hpr2293 (2017-05-17) "More supplementary Bash tips" by Dave Morriss.
    • Comment 1: Jonathan Kulp on 2017-05-21: "What about with SCP?"
    • Comment 2: Dave Morriss on 2017-05-21: "SCP is a bit weird"
    • Comment 3: Dave Morriss on 2017-05-22: "SCP without extended globs"
    • Comment 4: Jonathan Kulp on 2017-05-22: "Details, details..."
    • Comment 5: Dave Morriss on 2017-05-22: "TMTOWTDI"
    • Comment 6: Jonathan Kulp on 2017-05-22: "Ken is smiling"
    • Comment 7: clacke on 2017-05-23: "scp brace expansion??!"
    • Comment 8: Dave Morriss on 2017-05-24: "scp is a bit of a hack!!"

  • hpr2294 (2017-05-18) "Activities with a Toddler" by Shane Shennan.
    • Comment 1: Windigo on 2017-05-19: "Timely"
    • Comment 2: dodddummy on 2017-05-19: "Nice show"
    • Comment 3: David Morriss on 2017-05-20: "This was great"
    • Comment 4: Jonathan Kulp on 2017-05-21: "Ride the Bus"
    • Comment 5: clacke on 2017-05-22: "Tickling"

  • hpr2295 (2017-05-19) "MX Linux" by Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212.
    • Comment 1: jwp on 2017-05-29: "Nice litle Distro Review"

  • hpr2297 (2017-05-23) "More Magnatune Favourites" by Dave Morriss.
    • Comment 1: Jonas on 2017-05-29: "Great listen."
    • Comment 2: Dave Morriss on 2017-05-29: "Thanks for the feedback"

  • hpr2298 (2017-05-24) "Phantom Power Drain" by brian.
    • Comment 1: brian on 2017-05-27: "oops"
    • Comment 2: Jonas on 2017-05-29: "I did not know that. "

  • hpr2300 (2017-05-26) "The first Intel CompuStick" by JWP.
    • Comment 1: jwp on 2017-05-29: "Sound Quality"

  • hpr2302 (2017-05-30) "Bash snippet - nullglob" by Dave Morriss.
    • Comment 1: clacke on 2017-05-30: "Thanks!"
    • Comment 2: Dave Morriss on 2017-05-31: "Glad you found it useful"

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