Hacker Public Radio

Your ideas, projects, opinions - podcasted.

New episodes Monday through Friday.

HPR2281: HPR Community News for April 2017

Hosted by HPR Volunteers on 2017-05-01 00:00:00
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New hosts

Welcome to our new hosts:
fth, venam.

Last Month's Shows

Id Day Date Title Host
2261 Mon 2017-04-03 HPR Community News for March 2017 HPR Volunteers
2262 Tue 2017-04-04 Abstracting Nurse Jesus Eric Duhamel
2263 Wed 2017-04-05 Freak Does Geek fth
2264 Thu 2017-04-06 At The Library Bill "NFMZ1" Miller
2265 Fri 2017-04-07 WattOS on Lenovo X61s Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212
2266 Mon 2017-04-10 Gamebooks: Lone Wolf klaatu
2267 Tue 2017-04-11 Our Digital Art sigflup
2268 Wed 2017-04-12 Fish On! Bill "NFMZ1" Miller
2269 Thu 2017-04-13 Chocolate Milk venam
2270 Fri 2017-04-14 Managing tags on HPR episodes - 3 Dave Morriss
2271 Mon 2017-04-17 Raspberry Pi Zero W Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212
2272 Tue 2017-04-18 In Which Our Hero Takes 4 Hours to Install Hyper-V Server 2012 OnlyHalfTheTime
2273 Wed 2017-04-19 Fountain Pens m1rr0r5h4d35
2274 Thu 2017-04-20 First Microsoft Surface Pro Ubuntu 16.04 Dual boot JWP
2275 Fri 2017-04-21 Penguicon 2017 Ahuka
2276 Mon 2017-04-24 Tunnels and Trolls and Dungeon Delvers klaatu
2277 Tue 2017-04-25 Outernet and other projects m1rr0r5h4d35
2278 Wed 2017-04-26 Some supplementary Bash tips Dave Morriss
2279 Thu 2017-04-27 The first Intel CompuStick sound fix with LUbuntu JWP
2280 Fri 2017-04-28 Lenovo X61s Part 2 Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212

Mailing List discussions

Policy decisions surrounding HPR are taken by the community as a whole. This discussion takes place on the Mail List which is open to all HPR listeners and contributors. The discussions are open and available in the archives run externally by Gmane (see below) and on the HPR server under Mailman.

Note: since the summer of 2016 Gmane has changed location and is currently being reestablished. At the moment the HPR archive is not available there.

The threaded discussions this month can be found here:


Comments this month

These are comments which have been made during the past month, either to shows released during the month or to past shows.
There are 43 comments in total.

There are 14 comments on 8 previous shows:

There are 29 comments on 13 of this month's shows:

HPR Comments

Mastodon Comments

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