Hacker Public Radio

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HPR2176: HPR Community News for November 2016

Hosted by HPR Volunteers on 2016-12-05 00:00:00
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New hosts

Welcome to our new hosts:
Bill "NFMZ1" Miller, spaceman.

Last Month's Shows

Id Day Date Title Host
2152 Tue 2016-11-01 Apples to Apples Tabletop Game klaatu
2153 Wed 2016-11-02 Splitting a Block of Bees Wax brian
2154 Thu 2016-11-03 Replacing a Bicycle Brake Cable Jon Kulp
2155 Fri 2016-11-04 Ohio LinuxFest 2016 Ahuka
2156 Mon 2016-11-07 HPR Community News for October 2016 HPR Volunteers
2157 Tue 2016-11-08 BarCamp Manchester part 3 Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212
2158 Wed 2016-11-09 Art Club Brian in Ohio
2159 Thu 2016-11-10 Coup Tabletop Game klaatu
2160 Fri 2016-11-11 An Audio Illustration Tying the Bowline Knot David Whitman
2161 Mon 2016-11-14 What's in my freezer? Inscius
2162 Tue 2016-11-15 Review/Criticism of Hipp's "Git: Just Say No" clacke
2163 Wed 2016-11-16 Gnu Awk - Part 4 Dave Morriss
2164 Thu 2016-11-17 Skipbo Tabletop Game klaatu
2165 Fri 2016-11-18 Get the most out of your commute with these great audio suggestions. knightwise
2166 Mon 2016-11-21 How to use a Slide Rule Dave Morriss
2167 Tue 2016-11-22 Google It Bill "NFMZ1" Miller
2168 Wed 2016-11-23 Analogue Random Number Generation klaatu
2169 Thu 2016-11-24 How I connect to the awesome #oggcastplanet on mobile clacke
2170 Fri 2016-11-25 soundtrap.io Ken Fallon
2171 Mon 2016-11-28 hello world spaceman
2172 Tue 2016-11-29 Dutch Blitz Table Top Game Steve Saner
2173 Wed 2016-11-30 Driving a Blinkt! as an IoT device Dave Morriss

Mailing List discussions

Policy decisions surrounding HPR are taken by the community as a whole. This discussion takes place on the Mail List which is open to all HPR listeners and contributors. The discussions are open and available in the archives run externally by Gmane (see below) and on the HPR server under Mailman.

Note: since the summer of 2016 Gmane has changed location and is currently being reestablished. At the moment the HPR archive is not available there.

The threaded discussions this month can be found here:


Comments this month

These are comments which have been made during the past month, either to shows released during the month or to past shows.
There are 21 comments in total.

There are 5 comments on 5 previous shows:

  • hpr2130 (2016-09-30) "Git push to two repositories at once" by klaatu.
    • Comment 4: Dave Morriss on 2016-11-02: "Thought I'd never use this"

  • hpr2140 (2016-10-14) "Vim Plugins I Use" by b-yeezi.

  • hpr2145 (2016-10-21) "Daily notes and todo list with markdown" by norrist.
    • Comment 4: Matt on 2016-11-30: "question about the script"

  • hpr2148 (2016-10-26) "The DSO138 Oscilloscope Kit Part 2" by NYbill.
    • Comment 1: NYbill on 2016-11-02: "The real JYE Tech kit"

  • hpr2150 (2016-10-28) "Apollo Guidance Computer" by Ken Fallon.

There are 16 comments on 9 of this month's shows:

HPR Comments

Mastodon Comments

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