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HPR2113: sqlite and bash

Hosted by norrist on 2016-09-07 00:00:00
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0 3 * * 0 /bin/du -m /data/ > /home/USER/du_files/"du_$(/bin/date +\%Y\%m\%d)"


cd ~/du_files
TODAYS_FILE="du_$(/usr/bin/date +%Y%m%d)"
YESTERDAYS_FILE="du_$(/usr/bin/date --date="7 days ago" +%Y%m%d)"
/usr/bin/echo "create table old (oldsize integer, path varchar);" > delta.sql
/usr/bin/echo "create table new (newsize integer, path varchar);" >> delta.sql
/usr/bin/echo '.separator "\t" ' >> delta.sql
/usr/bin/echo ".import $TODAYS_FILE new" >> delta.sql
/usr/bin/echo ".import $YESTERDAYS_FILE old" >> delta.sql
/usr/bin/echo ".mode csv" >> delta.sql
/usr/bin/echo ".headers on" >> delta.sql
/usr/bin/echo ".out deltas.csv" >> delta.sql
/usr/bin/echo "select *,newsize-oldsize as delta_in_megabytes from old natural join new where oldsize<newsize order by delta_in_megabytes desc;" >> delta.sql

/usr/bin/sqlite3 < delta.sql

echo $YESTERDAYS_FILE|/usr/bin/mailx -a deltas.csv -s deltas.csv me@mywork.com

Resulting SQL

create table old (oldsize integer, path varchar);
create table new (newsize integer, path varchar);
.separator "\t"
.import du_20160821 new
.import du_20160814 old
.mode csv
.headers on
.out deltas.csv
select *,newsize-oldsize as delta_in_megabytes
from old    natural join new    where oldsize<newsize
order by delta_in_megabytes desc;


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