Hacker Public Radio

Your ideas, projects, opinions - podcasted.

New episodes Monday through Friday.

HPR2001: HPR Community News for March 2016

Hosted by HPR Volunteers on 2016-04-04 00:00:00
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New hosts

Welcome to our new hosts:
Brian in Ohio, noplacelikeslashhome.

Last Month's Shows

Id Day Date Title Host
1977 Tue 2016-03-01 What's In My Bag m1rr0r5h4d35
1978 Wed 2016-03-02 Ultra High Vacuum: loading samples Amunizp
1979 Thu 2016-03-03 How to Make Perfect Steel-Cut Oats Jon Kulp
1980 Fri 2016-03-04 Fixing An Audio Problem while having a rant MrX
1981 Mon 2016-03-07 HPR Community News for February 2016 HPR Volunteers
1982 Tue 2016-03-08 Whats in my virtual bag Nacho Jordi
1983 Wed 2016-03-09 Review of Sony Vaio VPC swift110
1984 Thu 2016-03-10 A Love Letter to linux.conf.au Clinton Roy
1985 Fri 2016-03-11 Fixing Bug 1092571 Ken Fallon
1986 Mon 2016-03-14 Introduction to sed - part 2 Dave Morriss
1987 Tue 2016-03-15 Pomodoro Timer - The Evolution of a Script (pt 1) Nacho Jordi
1988 Wed 2016-03-16 Linux from Scratch Brian in Ohio
1989 Thu 2016-03-17 WDTV Makes Me Itch Epicanis
1990 Fri 2016-03-18 Pomodoro Timer - The Evolution of a Script part deux Nacho Jordi
1991 Mon 2016-03-21 Adventures installing Linux on an Asus EeeBook X205A b-yeezi
1992 Tue 2016-03-22 How I'm handling my podcast-subscriptions and -listening folky
1993 Wed 2016-03-23 Can your window manager do this? Nacho Jordi
1994 Thu 2016-03-24 Truck Repair: Serpentine Belt Replacement Jon Kulp
1995 Fri 2016-03-25 Cov's Jams Cov
1996 Mon 2016-03-28 Xdotool magic Nacho Jordi
1997 Tue 2016-03-29 Introduction to sed - part 3 Dave Morriss
1998 Wed 2016-03-30 Homebrewing m1rr0r5h4d35
1999 Thu 2016-03-31 How I record a full band under Linux noplacelikeslashhome

Mailing List discussions

Policy decisions surrounding HPR are taken by the community as a whole. This discussion takes place on the Mail List which is open to all HPR listeners and contributors. The discussions are open and available on the Gmane archive.

The main threads this month were:

  1. From: Ivan Privaci <epicanis+hpr@...>
    Date: 2016-03-03 14:08:46 -0500
    Subject: The Robo-Summary Voice
    Link: https://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.syndication.podcast.hacker-public-radio/1131
    Messages: 1

  2. From: Ivan Privaci <epicanis+hpr@...>
    Date: 2016-03-03 14:18:39 -0500
    Subject: (sigh) never mind (espeak voice question)
    Link: https://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.syndication.podcast.hacker-public-radio/1132
    Messages: 1

  3. From: Dave Morriss <perloid@...>
    Date: 2016-03-03 20:58:42 UTC
    Subject: HPR Community News - next Saturday on 2016-03-05T18:00:00Z
    Link: https://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.syndication.podcast.hacker-public-radio/1133
    Messages: 1

  4. From: "Christopher \"Cov\" Covington" <cov@...>
    Date: 2016-03-11 13:49:41 +0700
    Subject: libravatar
    Link: https://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.syndication.podcast.hacker-public-radio/1134
    Messages: 1

  5. From: Ken Fallon <ken@...>
    Date: 2016-03-20 19:23:09 +0100
    Subject: Help to fix audio
    Link: https://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.syndication.podcast.hacker-public-radio/1136
    Messages: 5

  6. From: Nigel Verity <nigelverity@...>
    Date: 2016-03-20 21:08:34 UTC
    Subject: Re: Hpr Digest, Vol 90, Issue 5 - RMS Audio
    Link: https://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.syndication.podcast.hacker-public-radio/1137
    Messages: 17
Total messages this month: 26

Comments this month

These are comments which have been made during the past month, either to shows released during the month or to past shows.

There are 29 comments:

HPR Comments

Mastodon Comments

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