Hacker Public Radio

Your ideas, projects, opinions - podcasted.

New episodes Monday through Friday.

HPR1916: HPR Community News for November 2015

Hosted by HPR Volunteers on 2015-12-07 00:00:00
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New hosts

Welcome to our new hosts:
Eric Duhamel, OnlyHalfTheTime.

Last Month's Shows

Id Day Date Title Host
1891 Mon 2015-11-02 HPR Community News for October 2015 HPR Volunteers
1892 Tue 2015-11-03 my chicken coop Jezra
1893 Wed 2015-11-04 My LastPass Alternative ToeJet
1894 Thu 2015-11-05 Interview with Davide Zilli and Dr Marianne Sinka of the HumBug Project Ken Fallon
1895 Fri 2015-11-06 65 - LibreOffice Impress - OLE Objects, Spreadsheets, and Charts Ahuka
1896 Mon 2015-11-09 User Local Software Eric Duhamel
1897 Tue 2015-11-10 Installing Windows 7 Ultimate swift110
1898 Wed 2015-11-11 Free my music! Alpha32
1899 Thu 2015-11-12 MyTinyTodo List Jon Kulp
1900 Fri 2015-11-13 20 - SSH Basics Ahuka
1901 Mon 2015-11-16 Instaling Linux programs without internet swift110
1902 Tue 2015-11-17 My Linux Tool Box Fin
1903 Wed 2015-11-18 Some further Bash tips Dave Morriss
1904 Thu 2015-11-19 Windows Command Line Tips and Tricks OnlyHalfTheTime
1905 Fri 2015-11-20 66 - LibreOffice Impress - Built-In Charts Ahuka
1906 Mon 2015-11-23 Apt Spelunking 2: tvtime, phatch, and xstarfish Windigo
1907 Tue 2015-11-24 Charlie Reisinger and Penn Manor klaatu
1908 Wed 2015-11-25 Arduino Pumpkin droops
1909 Thu 2015-11-26 Creating an Open, Embedded-Media Music Textbook Jon Kulp
1910 Fri 2015-11-27 QMMP--The Qt-based MultiMedia Player Frank Bell
1911 Mon 2015-11-30 Thoughts on GUI v CLI and the best distro Ken Fallon

Mailing List discussions

Policy decisions surrounding HPR are taken by the community as a whole. This discussion takes place on the Mail List which is open to all HPR listeners and contributors. The discussions are open and available on the Gmane archive.

The main threads this month were:

  1. From: Ken Fallon <ken@...>
    Date: 2015-11-13 11:23:49 +0100
    Subject: New Podcast: international open magazine
    Link: https://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.syndication.podcast.hacker-public-radio/978
    Messages: 1

  2. From: Dave Morriss <perloid@...>
    Date: 2015-11-15 13:09:44 UTC
    Subject: UK Table Kit
    Link: https://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.syndication.podcast.hacker-public-radio/979
    Messages: 1

  3. From: Fifty OneFifty <fiftyonefifty@...>
    Date: 2015-11-15 19:38:03 -0600
    Subject: Re: 1. UK Table Kit (Dave Morriss)
    Link: https://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.syndication.podcast.hacker-public-radio/980
    Messages: 5

  4. From: Patrick Dailey <pdailey03@...>
    Date: 2015-11-16 08:27:32 -0500
    Subject: Re: Hpr Digest, Vol 86, Issue 4
    Link: https://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.syndication.podcast.hacker-public-radio/985
    Messages: 1

  5. From: Lord Drachenblut <lord.drachenblut@...>
    Date: 2015-11-18 07:28:42 UTC
    Subject: HPR Zoom H1
    Link: https://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.syndication.podcast.hacker-public-radio/986
    Messages: 1

  6. From: Ken Fallon <ken@...>
    Date: 2015-11-21 13:11:26 +0100
    Subject: Wed 2015-12-02: hpr1913
    Link: https://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.syndication.podcast.hacker-public-radio/987
    Messages: 4

  7. From: Clinton Roy <clinton.roy@...>
    Date: 2015-11-22 16:57:20 +1000
    Subject: first update
    Link: https://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.syndication.podcast.hacker-public-radio/988
    Messages: 4

  8. From: Kevin O'Brien <zwilnik@...>
    Date: 2015-11-22 13:10:28 -0500
    Subject: Short break
    Link: https://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.syndication.podcast.hacker-public-radio/992
    Messages: 3

  9. From: Fifty OneFifty <fiftyonefifty@...>
    Date: 2015-11-28 07:00:11 -0600
    Subject: Metadata bloat
    Link: https://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.syndication.podcast.hacker-public-radio/995
    Messages: 5

  10. From: Mike Dupont <jamesmikedupont@...>
    Date: 2015-11-28 10:40:56 -0500
    Subject: 412 Precondition Failed
    Link: https://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.syndication.podcast.hacker-public-radio/998
    Messages: 8

  11. From: Frank Bell <frankwbell@...>
    Date: 2015-11-28 15:20:25 -0500
    Subject: A Question about Shownotes
    Link: https://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.syndication.podcast.hacker-public-radio/1007
    Messages: 3

  12. From: Fifty OneFifty <fiftyonefifty@...>
    Date: 2015-11-29 15:21:14 -0600
    Subject: Re: Wed 2015-12-02: hpr1913 - UPDATE TO SITE
    Link: https://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.syndication.podcast.hacker-public-radio/1012
    Messages: 1

  13. From: Ken Fallon <ken@...>
    Date: 2015-11-30 11:44:52 +0100
    Subject: New Year Show ?
    Link: https://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.syndication.podcast.hacker-public-radio/1014
    Messages: 1

  14. From: Dave Morriss <perloid@...>
    Date: 2015-11-30 12:30:25 UTC
    Subject: HPR Community News - next Saturday on 2015-12-05T18:00:00Z
    Link: https://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.syndication.podcast.hacker-public-radio/1016
    Messages: 1
Total messages this month: 39

Comments this month

These are comments which have been made during the past month, either to shows released during the month or to past shows.

There are 37 comments:

  • hpr1649 (2014-11-27) "Raspberry Pi Accessibility Breakthrough" by Mike Ray.
    • Comment 6: Steven on 2015-11-28: "Question about your mods"

  • hpr1828 (2015-08-05) "Multimeter Mod's Part 1" by NYbill.
    • Comment 4: NYbill on 2015-11-02: "USB cab;e prices went up. "

  • hpr1887 (2015-10-27) "Coffee Making Basics" by JustMe.
    • Comment 1: Bob Jonkman on 2015-11-08: "Aerating boiling water"

  • hpr1889 (2015-10-29) "experiencing the meegopad T-02 part one" by A Shadowy Figure.
    • Comment 5: A Shadowy Figure on 2015-11-02: "Wow, Just Wow.."
    • Comment 6: Anon on 2015-11-03: "Ocean Club..."
    • Comment 7: CPrompt^ on 2015-11-04: "Fantastic!"
    • Comment 8: Frank on 2015-11-04:"[no title]"
    • Comment 9: David Whitman on 2015-11-04: "Nice"
    • Comment 10: Dennis Blanchard on 2015-11-04: "Good job on mysterious technology."
    • Comment 11: (Mad Dog?) Dave Morriss on 2015-11-05: "Brilliant!"
    • Comment 12: REL on 2015-11-08: "Mr"
    • Comment 13: A Shadowy Figure on 2015-11-09: "Production has began on Pt.2"

  • hpr1890 (2015-10-30) "A short walk with my son" by thelovebug.
    • Comment 3: Jon Kulp on 2015-11-03: "Better is better"

  • hpr1892 (2015-11-03) "my chicken coop" by Jezra.
    • Comment 1: Jon Kulp on 2015-11-03: "Some Fowl Commentary"
    • Comment 2: Mike Ray on 2015-11-03: "Kernel Sanders"
    • Comment 3: jezra on 2015-11-05:"[no title]"

  • hpr1894 (2015-11-05) "Interview with Davide Zilli and Dr Marianne Sinka of the HumBug Project" by Ken Fallon.
    • Comment 1: Steve Bickle on 2015-11-15: "Exellent episode"
    • Comment 2: Dave Morriss on 2015-11-16: "Great interview, great project"

  • hpr1896 (2015-11-09) "User Local Software" by Eric Duhamel.
    • Comment 1: Eric Duhamel on 2015-11-25: "Other ideas"

  • hpr1897 (2015-11-10) "Installing Windows 7 Ultimate" by swift110.
    • Comment 1: Guy Watkins on 2015-11-10: "Update the firmware"
    • Comment 2: m l hunt on 2015-11-10: "Enjoyed your show."

  • hpr1898 (2015-11-11) "Free my music!" by Alpha32.
    • Comment 1: A Shadowy Figure on 2015-11-10: "By-Tor and the Snow Dog Approve"

  • hpr1902 (2015-11-17) "My Linux Tool Box" by Fin.
    • Comment 1: Dave Morriss on 2015-11-23: "Nice list"
    • Comment 2: zloster on 2015-11-28: "Nice list"

  • hpr1903 (2015-11-18) "Some further Bash tips" by Dave Morriss.
    • Comment 1: Ken Fallon on 2015-11-18: "Another gem"
    • Comment 2: Dave Morriss on 2015-11-23: "Thanks Ken"

  • hpr1904 (2015-11-19) "Windows Command Line Tips and Tricks" by OnlyHalfTheTime.
  • hpr1906 (2015-11-23) "Apt Spelunking 2: tvtime, phatch, and xstarfish" by Windigo.
    • Comment 1: Dave Morriss on 2015-11-28: "Some interesting packages"

  • hpr1907 (2015-11-24) "Charlie Reisinger and Penn Manor" by klaatu.
    • Comment 1: Jonathan Kulp on 2015-11-25: "Excellent "

  • hpr1908 (2015-11-25) "Arduino Pumpkin" by droops.
    • Comment 1: Dave Morriss on 2015-11-28: "Loved this!"

  • hpr1909 (2015-11-26) "Creating an Open, Embedded-Media Music Textbook" by Jon Kulp.
    • Comment 1: Mike Ray on 2015-11-26: "Calibre cli"
    • Comment 2: Jonathan Kulp on 2015-11-26: "Valuing Musicians"
    • Comment 3: b-yeezi on 2015-11-26: "Great show"

  • hpr1910 (2015-11-27) "QMMP--The Qt-based MultiMedia Player" by Frank Bell.
    • Comment 1: Matt on 2015-11-27: "I didn't know this project existed."
    • Comment 2: Frank on 2015-11-28: "Thanks"
    • Comment 3: Audiobooks lover on 2015-11-29:"[no title]"

HPR Comments

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