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HPR1890: A short walk with my son

Hosted by thelovebug on 2015-10-30 00:00:00
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We start the show by saying ta-ra to the wife and daughters and starting on our walk.

Note to self: record an HPR episode about coffee

This episode inspired by jonkulp's emergency HPR episode entitled "biking2work", as mentioned on his GNUsocial post: https://micro.fragdev.com/notice/1425116

I give a brief introduction to who I am, and where I live.

Neewer Lapel Microphones from Amazon UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B005DOTSM4/

The lapel mic issue at our church. £1.50 a piece, rather than £25+ for an official replacement.

Background to my 7½ year podcasting history:

Other music podcasts too

Note to self: record an HPR episode on my journey into podcasting
Note to self: record an HPR episode on my journey into Linux

Metric vs Imperial measurements

Note to self: record an HPR episode on variances between different measurement systems

A comparison between my Nexus 7 and my Olympus DM-3 recorder, both with and without the lapel mic. https://media.thelovebug.org/u/thelovebug/m/lapel-microphone-comparisons/

Small glitch in the recording resulted in about 5 seconds being dropped, so it sounds a little disjointed at one point

Opinion around acceptable audio quality.
"If you can hear it, it's good enough."

Note to self: record an HPR episode on Auphonic and how to improve audio quality with very little effort


What would happen if Alex slipped and rolled down the hill.
Alex gives a quick introduction to himself.
He's also the slowest human in history.

I did run this episode through Auphonic, which didn't do a bad job in the slightest.
Settings used: Adaptive Leveler, Filtering, Noise and hum reduction set to Auto.
According to the processing results, hum reduction wasn't needed.

It would appear as though I've promised Ken 5 new shows - no pressure, eh.

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