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HPR1854: Installing Ubuntu on the Asus TP500L

Hosted by Jon Kulp on 2015-09-10 00:00:00
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  1. Getting to BIOS
    1. In Windows, go to Settings
    2. Search for advanced startup options
    3. Follow your nose to Boot to UEFI settings
    4. Can also get there by doing Shift+click on the Restart or Shutdown buttons then clicking through to advanced options until you find "enter setup." Pressing F2 never worked for me
  2. In the BIOS
    1. Security tab: disable "Secure Boot Control"
    2. Boot tab: disable "Fast Boot"
    3. Boot tab: Here Asus support says to enable "launch CSM" (Compatibility Support Mode) but it wouldn't boot from the Ubuntu USB image this way. It worked when I left CSM disabled. I bet CSM works with a Windows or DOS USB.
  3. Plug in USB with Ubuntu image on it
  4. Restart computer and hold ESC key down, forcing windows boot menu to appear
  5. Choose the USB drive to boot from, off you go!


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