Hacker Public Radio

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HPR1826: HPR Community News for July 2015

Hosted by HPR Volunteers on 2015-08-03 00:00:00
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New hosts

There were no new hosts this month.

Last Month's Shows

Id Day Date Title Host
1803 Wed 2015-07-01 What's In My Bag? Matt McGraw (g33kdad)
1804 Thu 2015-07-02 What's in my Bicycle Repair Tool Box Jon Kulp
1805 Fri 2015-07-03 56 - LibreOffice Impress - Styles and Objects 1 - Presentation Styles Ahuka
1806 Mon 2015-07-06 HPR Community News for June 2015 HPR Volunteers
1807 Tue 2015-07-07 Arch Linux Development Environment: Ep1 cjm
1808 Wed 2015-07-08 David Whitman reads 'The Shooting of Dan McGrew' written by Robert W Service David Whitman
1809 Thu 2015-07-09 My "New" Used Kindle Touch Jon Kulp
1810 Fri 2015-07-10 17 - LastPass Hacked - What Does It Mean? Ahuka
1811 Mon 2015-07-13 Life and Times of a Geek part 2 Dave Morriss
1812 Tue 2015-07-14 Headphones and a $2 Microphone Jon Kulp
1813 Wed 2015-07-15 Apt Spelunking: surf, lightyears, and fbterm Windigo
1814 Thu 2015-07-16 Custom Context Menus in GNU/Linux GUI File Managers Jon Kulp
1815 Fri 2015-07-17 57 - LibreOffice Impress - Styles and Objects 2 - Drawing Object Styles Ahuka
1816 Mon 2015-07-20 Visualising HPR tags Dave Morriss
1817 Tue 2015-07-21 Gathering Parts NYbill
1818 Wed 2015-07-22 Review of HPR's Interview Recorder: Zoom H1 FiftyOneFifty
1819 Thu 2015-07-23 LibreOffice Tips: Horizontal Lists and Headless Operation Jon Kulp
1820 Fri 2015-07-24 Kansas Linux Fest 2015, March 21-22, Lawrence KS, Interview 1 of 2 FiftyOneFifty
1821 Mon 2015-07-27 James Beard's Never-Fail Blender Hollandaise Sauce Frank Bell
1822 Tue 2015-07-28 Some tips on using ImageMagick Dave Morriss
1823 Wed 2015-07-29 Kansas Linux Fest 2015, March 21-22, Lawrence KS, Interview 2 of 2 FiftyOneFifty
1824 Thu 2015-07-30 I'm Learning Some Python Jon Kulp
1825 Fri 2015-07-31 58 - LibreOffice Impress - Creating a Template for Hacker Public Radio Ahuka

Mailing List discussions

Policy decisions surrounding HPR are taken by the community as a whole. This discussion takes place on the Mail List which is open to all HPR listeners and contributors. The discussions are open and available on the Gmane archive.

The main threads this month were:

  1. From: Frank Bell <frankwbell@...>
    Date: 2015-07-04 23:49:27 -0400
    Subject: Pictures for uploads
    Link: https://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.syndication.podcast.hacker-public-radio/898
    Messages: 4

  2. From: Ken Fallon <ken@...>
    Date: 2015-07-11 18:21:44 +0200
    Subject: Fwd: [FOSDEM] Next FOSDEM: 30 & 31 January 2016
    Link: https://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.syndication.podcast.hacker-public-radio/902
    Messages: 1

  3. From: Ken Fallon <ken@...>
    Date: 2015-07-25 15:33:26 +0200
    Subject: The Admin email account
    Link: https://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.syndication.podcast.hacker-public-radio/903
    Messages: 1

  4. From: Joshua Knapp <jknapp85@...>
    Date: 2015-07-27 09:23:43 -0700
    Subject: Enabled Outbound Spam filtering on Server
    Link: https://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.syndication.podcast.hacker-public-radio/904
    Messages: 1

  5. From: Dave Morriss <perloid@...>
    Date: 2015-07-30 11:29:54 +0100
    Subject: HPR Community News - next Saturday on 2015-08-01T18:00:00Z
    Link: https://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.syndication.podcast.hacker-public-radio/905
    Messages: 1
Total messages this month: 8

Comments this month

There are 19 comments:

  • hpr1784 (2015-06-04) "Intro to the Fugue and the Open Well-Tempered Clavier" by Jon Kulp.
    • Comment 11: FiftyOneFifty on 2015-07-07: "Thanks"

  • hpr1794 (2015-06-18) "12-Tone Music and My Random 12 Tone Row of the Day" by Jon Kulp.
    • Comment 6: FiftyOneFifty on 2015-07-07: "Forbidden Planet"

  • hpr1800 (2015-06-26) "YouTube Video Subscriptions" by Ahuka.
    • Comment 2: Kevin O'Brien on 2015-07-04: "Here you go!"

  • hpr1806 (2015-07-06) "HPR Community News for June 2015" by HPR Volunteers.
    • Comment 1: Kevin O'Brien on 2015-07-06: "Sorry I missed it"

  • hpr1808 (2015-07-08) "David Whitman reads 'The Shooting of Dan McGrew' written by Robert W Service" by David Whitman.
    • Comment 1: Mike on 2015-07-08: "More, more"

  • hpr1811 (2015-07-13) "Life and Times of a Geek part 2" by Dave Morriss.
    • Comment 1: Charlie Ebert on 2015-07-12: "hpr 1811 Dave Morriss"
    • Comment 2: Dave Morriss on 2015-07-13: "Control Data etc"
    • Comment 3: Mike Ray on 2015-07-13: "Punched cards in a box"
    • Comment 4: Dave Morriss on 2015-07-13: "Notched cards and COBOL"

  • hpr1812 (2015-07-14) "Headphones and a $2 Microphone" by Jon Kulp.
    • Comment 1: Dave Morriss on 2015-07-15: "Loved the ambient sounds"
    • Comment 2: Jon Kulp on 2015-07-15: "Heavy Breathing "
    • Comment 3: Dave Morriss on 2015-07-15: "Breathing"
    • Comment 4: John Corless on 2015-07-17: "Great"

  • hpr1813 (2015-07-15) "Apt Spelunking: surf, lightyears, and fbterm" by Windigo.
    • Comment 1: 0xf10e on 2015-07-14: "grumpyness"
    • Comment 2: windigo on 2015-07-15: "Re: Grumpyness"

  • hpr1817 (2015-07-21) "Gathering Parts" by NYbill.
    • Comment 1: CPrompt^ on 2015-07-24: "Great show!"
    • Comment 2: Ken Fallon on 2015-07-25: "A series on Electronic Components"
    • Comment 3: NYbill on 2015-07-27: "Thanks guys"

  • hpr1823 (2015-07-29) "Kansas Linux Fest 2015, March 21-22, Lawrence KS, Interview 2 of 2" by FiftyOneFifty.

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