Hacker Public Radio

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HPR1781: HPR Community News for May 2015

Hosted by HPR Volunteers on 2015-06-01 00:00:00
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New hosts

Welcome to our new host:

Last Month's Shows

Id Day Date Title Host
1760 Fri 2015-05-01 pdftk: the PDF Toolkit Jon Kulp
1761 Mon 2015-05-04 HPR Community News for April 2015 HPR Volunteers
1762 Tue 2015-05-05 HPR Audio Book Club 10 HPR_AudioBookClub
1763 Wed 2015-05-06 Intro to Homebrewing Alpha32
1764 Thu 2015-05-07 Introduction to Rogue Class Linux Frank Bell
1765 Fri 2015-05-08 53 - LibreOffice Impress - Outlining and Blank Presentations Ahuka
1766 Mon 2015-05-11 Sox of Silence Ken Fallon
1767 Tue 2015-05-12 An interview with Ed Cable of the Mifos Initiative David Whitman
1768 Wed 2015-05-13 An Intro To C Episode 1 : Introduction and Types cjm
1769 Thu 2015-05-14 A Demonstration of Dictation Software on my Office Computer Jon Kulp
1770 Fri 2015-05-15 The OpenDyslexic Font Jon Kulp
1771 Mon 2015-05-18 Audacity: Label Tracks Jon Kulp
1772 Tue 2015-05-19 Random thoughts swift110
1773 Wed 2015-05-20 LFNW 2015 interview with Deb Nicholson David Whitman
1774 Thu 2015-05-21 Router Hacking Jon Kulp
1775 Fri 2015-05-22 Sonic Pi Steve Bickle
1776 Mon 2015-05-25 Vim Hints 004 Dave Morriss
1777 Tue 2015-05-26 Magnatune Favourites Dave Morriss
1778 Wed 2015-05-27 Nethack and Vi cursor keys Steve Bickle
1779 Thu 2015-05-28 Cowsay and Figlet Jon Kulp
1780 Fri 2015-05-29 16 - TrueCrypt and GnuPG - An Update Ahuka

Mailing List discussions

Policy decisions surrounding HPR are taken by the community as a whole. This discussion takes place on the Mail List which is open to all HPR listeners and contributors. The discussions are open and available on the Gmane archive.

The main threads this month were:

  1. From: Ken Fallon <ken@...>
    Date: 2015-05-08 19:32:30 +0200
    Subject: Call for Shows - this is not a drill
    Link: https://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.syndication.podcast.hacker-public-radio/836
    Messages: 11

  2. From: Mike Ray <mike@...>
    Date: 2015-05-23 15:12:01 +0100
    Subject: Adding new pre-formatted sheets to LibreOffice Calc
    Link: https://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.syndication.podcast.hacker-public-radio/847
    Messages: 3

  3. From: Lord Drachenblut <lord.drachenblut@...>
    Date: 2015-05-25 06:04:13 UTC
    Subject: Video series on using the zoom H1
    Link: https://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.syndication.podcast.hacker-public-radio/850
    Messages: 1

  4. From: Ken Fallon <ken@...>
    Date: 2015-05-25 11:52:59 +0200
    Subject: Issues with GMail marking all HackerPublicRadio.org emails as SPAM
    Link: https://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.syndication.podcast.hacker-public-radio/851
    Messages: 8

  5. From: Dave Morriss <perloid@...>
    Date: 2015-05-28 19:21:14 +0100
    Subject: HPR Community News - Saturday on 2015-05-30T18:00:00Z
    Link: https://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.syndication.podcast.hacker-public-radio/859
    Messages: 1

  6. From: Mike Ray <mike@...>
    Date: 2015-05-28 21:30:05 +0100
    Subject: LibreOffice Calc cell style; background and 'no fill'
    Link: https://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.syndication.podcast.hacker-public-radio/860
    Messages: 2

  7. From: David Whitman <davidglennwhitman@...>
    Date: 2015-05-29 13:45:41 -0700
    Subject: Updated Presentation for HPR?
    Link: https://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.syndication.podcast.hacker-public-radio/862
    Messages: 1
Total messages this month: 27

Comments this month

There are 24 comments:

  • hpr1726 (2015-03-16) "15 Excuses not to Record a show for HPR" by Knightwise.
    • Comment 4: Epicanis on 2015-05-22: "I should do an episode nominating myself for an award..."

  • hpr1754 (2015-04-23) "D7? Why Seven?" by Jon Kulp.
    • Comment 4: FiftyOneFifty on 2015-05-09: "Explaining myself"
    • Comment 5: Jon Kulp on 2015-05-10: "I kinda see the resemblance..."

  • hpr1759 (2015-04-30) "A brief review of Firefox OS" by Stilvoid.
    • Comment 2: Stilvoid on 2015-05-03: "Thanks"

  • hpr1760 (2015-05-01) "pdftk: the PDF Toolkit" by Jon Kulp.
    • Comment 1: Jon Kulp on 2015-05-02: "video demo: embedding table of contents in PDF"

  • hpr1762 (2015-05-05) "HPR Audio Book Club 10" by HPR_AudioBookClub.
    • Comment 1: Ken Fallon on 2015-05-08: "Blade Runner"

  • hpr1766 (2015-05-11) "Sox of Silence" by Ken Fallon.
    • Comment 1: Jon Kulp on 2015-05-10: "Haulin'"

  • hpr1767 (2015-05-12) "An interview with Ed Cable of the Mifos Initiative" by David Whitman.
    • Comment 1: Mike Ray on 2015-05-12: "MIFOS, great initiative"

  • hpr1768 (2015-05-13) "An Intro To C Episode 1 : Introduction and Types" by cjm.
    • Comment 1: sigflup on 2015-05-12: "Right awesome!"
    • Comment 2: Steve Smethurst on 2015-05-14: "Thanks, and more plase"
    • Comment 3: Kete on 2015-05-15:"[no title]"
    • Comment 4: kdmurray on 2015-05-25: "A Good Start"

  • hpr1769 (2015-05-14) "A Demonstration of Dictation Software on my Office Computer" by Jon Kulp.
    • Comment 1: MoralVolcano on 2015-05-20: "Dragon?"
    • Comment 2: Jon Kulp on 2015-05-21: "Nope"

  • hpr1770 (2015-05-15) "The OpenDyslexic Font" by Jon Kulp.
    • Comment 1: jezra on 2015-05-18: "For Arch Linux, this is in the AUR"

  • hpr1771 (2015-05-18) "Audacity: Label Tracks" by Jon Kulp.
    • Comment 1: Dave Morriss on 2015-05-18: "Very useful"
    • Comment 2: kdmurray on 2015-05-25: "Can't believe I've never seen this"

  • hpr1774 (2015-05-21) "Router Hacking" by Jon Kulp.
    • Comment 1: Ken Fallon on 2015-05-22: "You say Tomato"
    • Comment 2: Mark on 2015-05-27: "Wanted to try this before."

  • hpr1775 (2015-05-22) "Sonic Pi" by Steve Bickle.
    • Comment 1: kdmurray on 2015-05-25: "SonicPi Releases"

  • hpr1776 (2015-05-25) "Vim Hints 004" by Dave Morriss.
    • Comment 1: thelovebug on 2015-05-25: "1776"
    • Comment 2: Dave Morriss on 2015-05-28: "Re: 1776"

  • hpr1777 (2015-05-26) "Magnatune Favourites" by Dave Morriss.
    • Comment 1: inscius on 2015-05-28:"[no title]"

  • hpr1780 (2015-05-29) "16 - TrueCrypt and GnuPG - An Update" by Ahuka.
    • Comment 1: Dave Morriss on 2015-05-29: "Thanks for this update"

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