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HPR1774: Router Hacking

Hosted by Jon Kulp on 2015-05-21 00:00:00
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Router Hacking


  • Flashing a router with alternate firmware


  • Provide additional features
  • Improve performance
  • Privacy (gets rid of unwanted spyware)
  • Fun


How: Steps for My Latest Hack

  1. Find used Netgear WNDR3400 router on shelf at local Goodwill store, priced at $3.99.
  2. Use my smartphone to check the dd-wrt database to see if this router is hackable.
  3. Grin broadly upon seeing the green "Yes" beside router WNDR3400.
  4. Double-check that power supply is included, find an AC outlet and plug in to be sure it powers on and my phone sees its ESSID. Yep and yep.
  5. Take router to cashier and purchase.
  6. Do hard reset of router to clear any previous configuration.
  7. Hook a laptop up to router using ethernet patch cable (turning off WiFi adapter on laptop).
  8. Access router's configuration in web browser at default router address of just to confirm that it works.
  9. Go back to the dd-wrt router database and find the router again, then download the corresponding "mini" and the "mega" versions of dd-wrt firmware (The mega version has the most features—including USB support, which I wanted—but on many routers, including this one, you have to install the mini version first or else you could brick the router)
  10. Read over the dd-wrt wiki page for this specific router just to see if there's anything unusual about the hack. There's not.
  11. Go to the router's stock configuration page again and find the "Firmware upgrade" button.
  12. Click the button and choose the "mini" version of the dd-wrt firmware, and click upgrade, then wait while crossing fingers until it says firmware successfully upgraded.
  13. Refresh the configuration page at and see the new dd-wrt configuration interface.
  14. Pat myself on the back because I have just hacked another router. Hray!
  15. Find the upgrade firmware area on the new dd-wrt interface, and this time choose the "mega" firmware file and submit, then wait and cross fingers as before. Celebrate when it works.
  16. Configure newly hacked router as wireless bridge (this is NOT going to be my main router), enable the USB and printer support, hook up our formerly-usb-only printer to the router, and configure household computers to be able to print wirelessly to the newly-networked printer.
  17. Enjoy kudos from appreciative family.

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