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HPR1679: 2014-2015 New Year Show Part 6 of 8

Hosted by HPR Volunteers on 2015-01-08 00:00:00
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  • Greetings to regions of Brazil, Argentina and 7 more: Buenos Aires, Santiago, Asuncion, Paramaribo.
  • SoundChaser doesn't sound pasty white. 
  • Genetically modified discusion continues (not as good the second time)
  • Genetically modified discusion continues (time to fast forward)


  • Greetings to Newfoundland and Labrador/Canada  St. John's, Conception Bay South, Corner Brook,Gander.
  • Systemd discussion about server logs
  • we still don't understand why they do time on a 30 min break.... come on people just use UTC
  • Watch chat
  • Drink-o-meter chat this is a fabulous idea, 50 should do it. 
  • guns and good chinchillas


  • Greetings to Atlantic Canada and cobra2 and 26 more: Saint John, La Paz, San Juan, Santo Domingo, Halifax.
  • guns... again pokey talks about how he rebuilt an air gun to something special that ended in epic fail (bent barrel)
  • Pokey has a Bad Barrel
  • pokey has a new job!!!
  • pokey is building the internet at his new job. Trans-oceanic cables don't build themselves afterall.
  • books


  • Greetings to Venezuela Caracas, Barquisimeto, Maracaibo, Maracay.
  • retro games that are must plays
  • Metroid NES
  • Super Metroid SNES
  • Legend of Zelda NES
  • Ninja Gaiden
  • Lolo Land NES
  • You Don't Know Jack PC
  • Delwin makes a cameo appearance


  • Greetings to the eastern region of the United States,regions of Canada and 12 more: New York, Boston, Rochester NY, Rochester NH, Millinocket, Maryland, Washington DC, Detroit, Havana, Atlanta.
  • fireworks and meth labs go up in celebration of the new year. Pgggy went to watch...
  • and we are really not family friendly now
  • Kerbal Space Platform is a game. People like it.
  • notKlaatu didn't get busted transproting lockpick tools from the US to New Zealand
  • OpenSource HTML5 IRC client: https://kiwiirc.com/
  • Gnu Social servers: https://quitter.se and https://micro.fragdev.com/

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