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HPR1675: 2014-2015 New Year Show Part 2 of 8

Hosted by HPR Volunteers on 2015-01-02 00:00:00
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hpr1675 :: New Year Show Part 2 of 8
  • Greetings to Queensland/Australia and 5 more Brisbane, Port Moresby, Guam, Cairns.


  • Greetings to Northern Territory/Australia, Darwin, Alice Springs, Uluru.
        Flying Rich arrives!




  • Greetings to much of Indonesia, Thailand and 7 more: Jakarta, Bangkok, Hanoi, Phnom Penh.
  • We're off by one!
  • Broam pokes Pegwole for some photography gear talk
  • Etymology of IRC handles / nicknames
  • RP - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Received_Pronunciation
  • Which shortcut key to use in mumble?
  • thistleweb sayings "


  • Greetings to Myanmar and Cocos Islands, Yangon, Naypyidaw, Mandalay, Bantam.
  • Dude man has us wondering what "1 inch below is worth 2 above" 
  • "its connected with cutting hay... when your using a scythe which is really advanced tech and basicly led to the masive dependance on grain consumption believe it or not. But when cutting grass for hay for winter feed... cutting lower at the bottom by 1 inch gave bigger return for your effort and quality than have the grass 2 inches tailer

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