Hacker Public Radio

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HPR1523: HPR Community News for May 2014

Hosted by HPR Volunteers on 2014-06-04 00:00:00
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New hosts

There were no new hosts this month.

Last Month's Shows

Id Title Host
1499 How I Got Into Computers Charles in NJ
1500 Key Signing Ahuka
1501 AWK laindir
1502 Practical Math - Units - Distances and Area, Part 2 Charles in NJ
1503 Making Waves-The DSO Pocket Oscilloscope NYbill
1504 HPR at NELF 2014 Afterparty Various Hosts
1505 28 - LibreOffice Calc - Fills, an Introduction Ahuka
1506 HPR AudioBookClub 6 Shaman Tales Book 1 South Coast HPR_AudioBookClub
1507 HPR Community News for April 2014 HPR Admins
1508 In Defense of Play Charles in NJ
1509 HPR Needs Shows HPR Admins
1510 What's in My Bag? Charles in NJ
1511 How to skin a snake Jezra
1512 Adopting and Renovating a Public-Domain Counterpoint Textbook Jon Kulp
1513 Stir-Fried Stochasticity: Bio-Boogers Epicanis
1514 Give The Small Guy A Try Beeza
1515 29 - LibreOffice Calc - Models and "What-If" Analysis Ahuka
1516 01 The podcasts I listen to Dave Morriss
1517 The set of prime numbers is infinite johanv
1518 02 The podcasts I listen to Dave Morriss
1519 What's in My Bag Thaj Sara
1520 The Ext File System JWP

Mailing List discussions

Policy decisions surrounding HPR are taken by the community as a whole. This discussion takes place on the Mail List which is open to all HPR listeners and contributors. The discussions are open and available on the Gmane archive.

Discussed this month was:

  • new crowdfunder: Mike Dupont has a ongoing kickstarter https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jamesmikedupont/wwwelectionrus/li>
  • Comments not working?: NYbill wanted the comments link changed. It was.
  • A call for more shows: we ran out of shows. You responded with shows
  • 2 notes on shows: Kevin O'Brien wanted to know if the NELF talks could be put out on the feed. Current policy is We will continue to promote new podcasts and other creative commons material but due to a lack of slots, we are only releasing material created exclusively for HPR
  • Please use the shownote template files: The template has been updated please use it
  • Sending in details for old HPR shows: Please help with the effort to improve the shownotes/tags of the older episodes
  • I'm deleting this comment as it's spam: because of .....

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