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HPR1507: HPR Community News for April 2014

Hosted by HPR Volunteers on 2014-05-13 00:00:00
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HPR Community News for April 2014

New hosts

Welcome to our new hosts:
x1101, John Duarte.

Last Month's Shows

Id Title Host
1477 OSI layer 3 Various Hosts
1478 Batteries Part 2 MrX
1479 01 What is on my podcast player Ahuka
1480 Continuous Ink Supply System Ken Fallon
1481 Encryption and Gmail Ahuka
1482 02 What is on my podcast player Ahuka
1483 HPR Community News for March 2014 HPR Admins
1484 TuxJam31 Andrew Conway
1485 26 - LibreOffice Calc Cells Ahuka
1486 Linux Luddites Episode 11 - Interview with Rob Landley Ken Fallon
1487 How I Found Linux x1101
1488 What's on My Podcatcher Keith Murray
1489 Setting up a Raspberry Pi and RaspBMC Curtis Adkins (CPrompt^)
1490 HPR at NELF 2014 Part1 pokey
1491 Heartbleed laindir
1492 HPR at NELF 2014 Part2 NYbill
1493 The Next Gen is You (1/2) klaatu
1494 The Next Gen is You (2/2) klaatu
1495 27 - LibreOffice Calc - Calculations and the Formula Bar Ahuka
1496 wiki on the raspberry pi MrX
1497 Practical Math - Units - Distances and Area, Part 1 Charles in NJ
1498 Personal OpenVPN John Duarte

Mailing List discussions

Policy decisions surrounding HPR are taken by the community as a whole. This discussion takes place on the Mail List which is open to all HPR listeners and contributors. The discussions are open and available on the Gmane archive.

Discussed this month was:

  • Something went wrong with episode 1477 :)
  • Community News shows should have a reserved slot.
  • Comment system, versus Forums versus disqus versus ...
  • Help with the Series
  • Help tagging shows
  • Call for Shows
  • Ken is looking for Ham Radio content
  • Seetee, is our man in Sweden

HPR Comments

Mastodon Comments

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