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HPR1469: HPR Community News for February 2014

Hosted by HPR Volunteers on 2014-03-20 00:00:00
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New hosts

There were no new hosts this month.

id title host
1436 HPR New Year Show 2013-2014 After Show 1 of 4 Various Hosts
1437 HPR New Year Show 2013-2014 After Show 2 of 4 Various Hosts
1438 HPR New Year Show 2013-2014 After Show 3 of 4 Various Hosts
1439 HPR New Year Show 2013-2014 After Show 4 of 4 Various Hosts
1440 Creating a Key Pair - GUI Client Ahuka
1441 Jono Bacon and Stuart Langridge talk with pokey pokey
1442 Google Summer of Code Jonathan Nadeau
1443 Fahrenheit 0-100 Bill_MI
1444 What is Firefox OS? J. A. Mathis
1445 22 - LibreOffice Writer Other Frame Styles Ahuka
1446 Interview with Fernando H. F. Botelho from the F123 group Ken Fallon
1447 HPR Coverage at FOSDEM 2014 Part 1/5 Ken Fallon
1448 Intro to cable cutting Tracy Holz_Holzster
1449 Timelapse Video Peter64
1450 My Mobile digital life Knightwise
1451 Jeremy Allison ~ the SAMBA project Ken Fallon
1452 HPR Coverage at FOSDEM 2014 Part 3 Ken Fallon
1453 HPR Coverage at FOSDEM 2014 Part 4 Ken Fallon
1454 HPR Coverage at FOSDEM 2014 Part 5 Ken Fallon
1455 23 - LibreOffice Writer Other Page Layout Options Ahuka

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