Hacker Public Radio

Your ideas, projects, opinions - podcasted.

New episodes Monday through Friday.

HPR1360: HPR Community News For September2013

Hosted by HPR Volunteers on 2013-10-18 00:00:00
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New hosts

Welcome to our new hosts: Gabriel Evenfire, and James Michael DuPont (h4ck3rm1k3).

Show Updates

id date title host
1326 2013-09-02 What's in my bag jrobb
1327 2013-09-03 Frank Bell Bakes Bread Frank Bell
1328 2013-09-04 A Hacker's Perspective On Schizophrenia sigflup
1329 2013-09-05 TGTM Newscast for 2013-13-08 Tgtm News Team
1330 2013-09-06 Programming languages 3 - C garjola
1331 2013-09-09 A Tale of Chroot NYbill
1332 2013-09-10 Jingles Stitch
1333 2013-09-11 Introduction / How I Got Into Linux Matt McGraw (g33kdad)
1334 2013-09-12 Open Sourcing Mental Illness - Ed Finkler Ken Fallon
1335 2013-09-13 LibreOffice 11 Writer Character Styles Ahuka
1336 2013-09-16 The Rosetta Dream Julian Neuer
1337 2013-09-17 overdrive sigflup
1338 2013-09-18 Pumped Pi's NYbill
1339 2013-09-19 Legacy Technology: My Victrola Jon Kulp
1340 2013-09-20 Out and about at OHM 2013 Ken Fallon
1341 2013-09-23 TGTM Newscast for 2013-08-25 Tgtm News Team
1342 2013-09-24 Power Tool Drag Racing! MrGadgets
1343 2013-09-25 Too Clever For Your Own Good laindir
1344 2013-09-26 Filming a Dinosaur egg hatching Ken Fallon
1345 2013-09-27 LibreOffice 12 Writer List Styles Introduced Ahuka
1346 2013-09-30 How to properly evangelize linux or why I use linux as my daily driver. Riley Gelwicks (glwx)
Started:  7 years, 6 months, 22 days ago
Renamed HPR:  5 years, 3 months, 29 days ago
Total Shows:  1685
Total TWAT: 300
Total HPR:  1385
HPR Hosts:  202
Next free slot: 13
Hosts in Queue: 9
Shows in Queue: 12
September Downloads: 75,774

Host Pages

Should we update the host pages to include information like PGP Key, a photo etc.

TGTM as a general newscast now over

Hey, Ken,

I just published TGTM news #103, which is my explanation of its
closure and next month's new format.  I now plan to do two audios a
month, one tech piece for HPR and one non-tech for my personal site.

Could you please announce this in the next HPR community news, as well
as putting this link in the show notes:



Other News

  • Is it Spam ?
  • Mumble HPR - a show about banners, stickers, and HPR tables at events like Linux Fests etc.
  • Upcoming Series on "Units": Help with Medical Maths? Help with the units used in medicine dosages.
  • Fix for the HPR Calendar Page
  • Nutters
  • Audio Quality Manifesto
  • Creative Commons
  • Put shows in the FTP root, just [A-Za-z09]
  • Return of reserved slot ?
  • The free software song https://www.gnu.org/music/free-software-song.html

HPR Comments

Mastodon Comments

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