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HPR1322: Kevin O'Brien - Ohio LinuxFest 2013

Hosted by Ken Fallon on 2013-08-27 00:00:00
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About the Ohio LinuxFest

The Ohio LinuxFest is a grassroots conference for the GNU/Linux/Open Source Software/Free Software community that started in 2003 as a large inter-LUG meeting and has grown steadily since. It is a place for the community to gather and share information about Linux and Open Source Software.

A large expo area adjacent to the conference rooms will feature exhibits from our sponsors as well as a large .org section from non-profit Open Source/Free Software projects.

The Ohio LinuxFest welcomes people from all 50 states and international participants. We've had participants from Canada, England, Argentina, Brazil, and Australia in years past.


Last years audio: https://archive.org/search.php?query=Ohio%20LinuxFest%202012%20AND%20mediatype%3Aaudio

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