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HPR1207: Icecast 101

Hosted by Klaatu on 2013-03-19 00:00:00
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Klaatu talks about how to set up Icecast, new Ices, old Ices, and a nice little (simple) HTML5 player. This is part one of a two-part series.

Here are the raw commands for Icecast, Ices, and Ices-cc:

#start the streaming server
icecast -c /etc/icecast.xml -B

#start the mp3 stream
ices-cc -c /etc/ices-cc.conf -F /home/dj/playlist.txt -R -b 96 -m mp3 -P radio

# start the ogg stream
ices /etc/ices/ices-playlist.xml

Here is the code for the simple HTML5 player that Klaatu mentions in the episode. It's straight HTML5 but in case you're new to HTML5 then this could be useful:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <title>My Great Streaming Server Example dot Com</title>
<div id="player">
<audio width="100px" height="200px" autoplay loop controls autobuffer preload="auto">
      <source src="https://example.com:8000/mp3" type="audio/mp3" />
      <source src="https://example.com:8000/ogg" type="audio/ogg" />

Klaatu is indebted to Kwisher, Delwin, and Ruji for their help on this series.


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