Hacker Public Radio

Your ideas, projects, opinions - podcasted.

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HPR1196: HPR Community News Feb 2013

Hosted by HPR Volunteers on 2013-03-04 00:00:00
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New hosts

There were no new hosts this month.

Show Review

id title host
1176 Intro to editing the Open Street Map pokey
1177 HPR Community News Dec12/Jan13 HPR Admins
1178 Interviews with Laura Creighton and Armin Rigo Seetee
1179 Interview with Mark A Davis of TWUUG Frank Bell
1180 TGTM Newscast for 2/6/2013 Tgtm News Team
1181 Mumble Audio Issues Delwin
1182 LiTS 023: Date Dann
1183 Boise Lug meeting Feb 7 2013 Quvmoh
1184 Installing Linux without a monitor Various Hosts
1185 Shooting the Breeze Jezra and NYbill
1186 A plea and a Follow up Various Hosts
1187 I live in GNU/Emacs garjola
1188 Rmail in Emacs klaatu
1189 Part One: Counting Partridges and Gold Rings Charles in NJ
1190 03 LibreOffice Writer Introduction to Styles Ahuka
1191 Arch Linux Dude-man
1192 LiTS 024: time and /usr/bin/time Dann
1193 Chris Conder Catchup on Broadband for Rural North Ken Fallon
1194 Copying a Printer Definition File Between Systems FiftyOneFifty
1195 Distractionless Writing Thistleweb


John Spriggs for not setting up the account
Apologies to Mark A Davis and Frank Bell for not posting their show on time
NYBILL and Charles in NJ for reposting their show
For not setting up the NSFW flags as yet


Dave Morriss for all the QA
Neil Wallace AKA rowinggolfer for the heads up about the links
Bill for the offer of $2500
To whoever signed hpr up for a regular dental check

Other News


Sonar Fundraiser

The Sonar Project has $9,838 raised with 256 people contributing. A big thanks to all the !HPR Listeners who helped out. It's not too late to contribute to the ACF. See https://accessiblecomputingfoundation.org/ for more information.

We need shows

We only have shows from 4 hosts, and we still have 195 slots to fill this year so please consider contributing a show. https://hackerpublicradio.org/calendar.php

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