Hacker Public Radio

Your ideas, projects, opinions - podcasted.

New episodes Monday through Friday.

HPR1177: HPR Community News Dec 12/Jan 13

Hosted by HPR Volunteers on 2013-02-05 00:00:00
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New hosts

Welcome to our new hosts: Dick Thomas, Delwin, Charles in NJ, Dude-man, Beto, Peter64, johanv, Emilien Klein, NYbill, , and K5TUX.

Apologies and Thanks

Dude-Man for missing that he was a new podcaster.
Thanks to Emilien for the patch to the readme
Thanks to Mike Hingley, and Dave for the heads up about the problems with the website
Big thanks to everyone who supported the New Year Show.
Apologies to everyone that was offended by my posts to the mail lists

Show Review

id title host
1132 LiTS 019: Kill the worms! Dann
1133 How I got in to Linux Dick Thomas
1134 Scannerdrome Ep. 1 - Lola Lariscy Various Hosts
1135 TGTM Newscast for 12/01/2012 deepgeek
1136 01 Introduction to Office software Ahuka
1137 Open Street Maps NewAgeTechnoHippie
1138 Programming languages 2 - Python garjola
1139 The missing episode MrGadgets
1140 TGTM Newscast for 12/9/2012 deepgeek
1141 mumble client intro Delwin
1142 LiTS 020: pgrep and pkill Dann
1143 The N Days of Christmas? Intro to Recreational Math Charles in NJ
1144 Who Owns Your Files Ahuka
1145 TGTM Newscast for 12/20/2012 deepgeek
1146 Wireshark-1 NewAgeTechnoHippie
1147 Eulogy for the Netbook AukonDK
1148 Development Discussion Dave Morriss
1149 02 LibreOffice Writer Default Template Ahuka
1150 Hacking Karma And Reincarnation With The Forgiveness Discipline deepgeek
1151 Hacker Public Radio New Year Show Part 1 Various Creative Commons Works
1152 Hacker Public Radio New Year Show Part 2 Various Creative Commons Works
1153 Hacker Public Radio New Year Show Part 3 Various Creative Commons Works
1154 Hacker Public Radio New Year Show Part 4 Various Creative Commons Works
1155 Hacker Public Radio New Year Show Part 5 Various Creative Commons Works
1156 Hacker Public Radio New Year Show Part 6 Various Creative Commons Works
1157 Hacker Public Radio New Year Show Part 7 Various Creative Commons Works
1158 Hacker Public Radio New Year Show Part 8 Various Creative Commons Works
1159 Food - Health - Nutrially Densce food Dude-man
1160 TGTM Newscast for 1/8/2013 DeepGeek deepgeek
1161 PAM Two Factor Auth SSH Beto
1162 LiTS 021 - killall Dann
1163 Installing PYWWS on a Raspberry Pi Peter64
1164 About git johanv
1165 TGTM Newscast for 1/17/2013 deepgeek
1166 Airtime Radio Automation AukonDK
1167 Kernels in the Boot, or What to Do When Your /boot folder Fills Up FiftyOneFifty
1168 How I started my local Linux User Group Emilien Klein
1169 Autotools Nido Media
1170 TGTM Newscast for 1/20/2013 deepgeek
1171 Tech and Loathing 13 - Remote Desktop Protocols K5TUX
1172 LiTS 022: Sort Dann
1173 Sonar GNU/linux Jonathan Nadeau
1174 Low Tech Fab (PCB Etching) NYbill
1175 how to start irssi in screen after reboot Lord Drachenblut


Mail List Discussions

  • Setup for the New Year Show - there is no cli client for mumble or for piping to ice-cast
  • DeepGeek asks for help in a new Segment about corporate use for web proxies
  • cobra2 discusses RSS torrents
  • Problems playing episodes ? Always mail admin@hackerpublicradio.org
  • KT4KB_Jon Lambdin [Hpr] CQ CQ CQ de KT4KB - Let's do a podcast Via Amateur Radio
  • Aaron Swartz - passed away
  • Stickers!
  • Nido Media HPR Saturday Sessions (Digest is a once a day thing)
  • Reassign the shows to the TGTM News Team
  • Changes to the owner of TGTM Tech News Show
  • Should we add the intro/outro - yes if you want to
  • klaatu https://radio.pittsburgharts.org:8000, dosman is running a part15 radio station at my house. While most people agree with the explicit tag, Ken strongly disagreed with the suggestion.

Reminder of how HPR is governed

While Stankdwag pays for the hosting, HPR is run by the community, not the Admins! That means what the community decides is the direction we take it.

Filtering "Clean" shows

The necessary changes to accommodate a per show explicit field has been made. 
To get the filtered feeds, please append 'explicit=0' to the end of any of the fields. 
This will trigger the field 'rss/channel/item/itunes:explicit="Clean"'


This will leave the <itunes:explicit> on the <channel> as "Yes" but will
toggle the <item> to <itunes:explicit>clean</itunes:explicit>.
Currently the only shows flagged as 'explicit=0' are the ones from
klaatu. For those wishing to reclassify your shows please review the
attached guidelines from the FCC and follow the link to Apples website
https://www.apple.com/itunes/podcasts/specs.html. Apple has a policy of
banning incorrectly flagged shows, so we could loose approximately 7 -
20 % of HPR listeners in one fell swoop if you classify your show

Please alert me or admin@hackerpublicradio.org if anything strange
starts to happen.

Ken (as HPR Admin)

Website Changes

  • Website Updates, RSS Feeds, Cal page: new list, new post script, explains how the queuing is done. Still need to update the contribute, readme and intro outro.
  • HPR Transcode script - Help needed by one and all
  • Cannot get the mailing list to archive

Sonar Fundraiser

The Sonar Project is to build a Linux operating system focused on accessibility. There are 1 billion people in the world with some type of disability. Jonathan Nadeau is a blind user and has already made the Sonar GNU/Linux distribution completely accessible to blind people. Now he needs our help to take it to the next level.
Pimp and pay https://www.indiegogo.com/sonar

We need shows

There are 14 shows in the queue. https://hackerpublicradio.org/calendar.php

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Copyright Information

Unless otherwise stated, our shows are released under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) license.

The HPR Website Design is released to the Public Domain.