Hacker Public Radio

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HPR1103: Thoughtkindness: In Defense of Media Freetardation

Hosted by Epicanis on 2012-10-24 00:00:00
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It took 14 months longer than intended to get this episode done! To make up for it, I've unintentionally ended up with enough time of me talking to almost make up a minimal-useful-sized episode every month while everyone's been waiting.

Today's episode of "Thoughtkindness" consists of:

  • Me begging for forgiveness for disappearing for a year.
  • An update on "bunnies", my linux laptop from Ohava Computers
  • Over an hour of my attempt to collect and explain why we need to make media on the internet more "freetarded"

After revealing what ticked me off and made me start on this episode, I launch into a short technical and historical talk about the handful of audio and video files that matter on the web today.

(Opus, Ogg Vorbis, WebM, MP3, Flash Video, MP4, and a few others).

Following this, I explain why I think the legally-free media formats are so important, and much more useful than most people seem to recognize, why I think we need to be paying more attention to audio than video, and what needs to happen to make legally-free media ubiquitous.

I conclude by once again begging for attention and foolishly publically announcing that I want to try to develop some software and invite everyone to pester me for it as well as for future audio shows. Maybe I won't be allowed to procrastinate for another year before producing more this time.

Let me know if this is helpful or at least entertaining...

Note: an Opus version of this episode will be available at https://hpr.dogphilosophy.net for either online listening in Firefox 15 or later, or downloading for listening in VLC or other Opus-supporting applications.


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