Hacker Public Radio

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HPR1066: HPR Community News August 2012

Hosted by HPR Volunteers on 2012-09-03 00:00:00
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Becky Newborough
Mike Hingley
Ken Fallon
Dave Morriss
Philip Newborough

New hosts

Welcome to our new hosts: ccmusique, doubi, and cleavey.

Show Review

id title host
1046 HPR Community News July 2012 HPR Admins
1047 Soldering Part 2: An audio demonstration of soldering MrX
1048 Get off this Rock !!! MrGadgets
1049 OGG Camp 11: Laura Czajowksi, Life Outside of IRC in a FLOSS Community Robin Catling
1050 TGTM Newscast for 2012/8/8 DeepGeek deepgeek
1051 Intro to the music ccmusique
1052 LiTS: 013 - Top of Top Dann
1053 Zoke with a question Xoke
1054 Becky Hogge: Barefoot into Cyberspace Robin Catling
1055 TGTM Newscast for 2012/8/15 deepgeek
1056 OggCamp 12 Day 1 Part 1 Ken Fallon
1057 OggCamp 2012: Simon Phipps: mini-intro to the CDB doubi
1058 OggCamp12 Hardware Hackers Ken Fallon
1059 OggCamp12 Day2 The morning after the night before Ken Fallon
1060 OggCamp12 Farewell Ken Fallon
1061 TGTM Newscast for 2012/08/22 deepgeek
1062 LiTS 014: The Bottom of Top, top pt 2 Dann
1063 Freedom and Licensing Ahuka
1064 OGG Camp 11 Panel Discussion Robin Catling
1065 Wireless tip cleavey

Thanks to

  • David Whitman for the fantastic banner.
  • Everyone involved in OggCamp12
  • Everyone who helped out with the podcast list - especially Dave Morriss
  • DeepGeek for allowing his show to be bumped.

Apologies to

  • Again Deep Geek for messing up the show notes on TGTM news #72

Other Notes

  • The queue may not be up to date
  • Ken will be taking it easy for the coming months
  • Dave Yates is OK.
  • HPR New year show

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