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HPR0987: LFNW: Larry Cafiero - the Crunchbang guy

Hosted by David Whitman on 2012-05-15 00:00:00
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Linux Fest North West Week Special

All week we are airing the interviews that were recorded at the Linux Fest Northwest took place on April 28 and 29, 2012 https://linuxfestnorthwest.org

Larry Cafiero - the Crunchbang guy


Larry the CrunchBang Guy is Larry Cafiero, 54, who runs Redwood Digital Research in Felton, California, which provides Free/Open Source Software solutions for the small business/home office environment. He has been an advocate for Free/Open Source Software (FOSS) since the fall of 2006. Toward the end of 2006, he had an epiphany or satori regarding the social, philosophical, political and economic benefits of using FOSS on his favored hardware, which at the time consisted of the Mac PowerPC platform (although he has warmed up to Intel machines as of late). He organized a project to promote GNU/Linux which turned out to be the Lindependence events in Felton, California, in 2008. Larry’s brush with fleeting fame came in 2006 as the Green Party’s candidate for Insurance Commissioner in California (270,218 votes, 3.2 percent). He has been using CrunchBang on a regular basis since July 2011.

See Larry's video of his LFNW Presentation at: https://archive.org/details/LinuxfestNorthwest2012

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