Hacker Public Radio

Your ideas, projects, opinions - podcasted.

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HPR0956: HPR Community News for Feb 2012

Hosted by HPR Volunteers on 2012-04-01 00:00:00
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New hosts

Welcome to our new hosts:
Digital Maniac,
David Whitman,
and all the ZombieMasters.
If you would like to become a HPR host then please head over to https://hackerpublicradio.org/contribute.php

Show Review

id title host
936 Monthly Review show 2012 Feb HPR Admins
937 How I started with linux riddlebox
938 Cloning Windows WiFi Profiles and Installing Skype... FiftyOneFifty
939 Sunday Morning Linux Review: Episode 021 HPR Admins
940 TGTM Tech News for 2012-03-07 deepgeek
941 Whats in my bag / Portable Apps Digital Maniac
942 Zentyal Linux Small Business Server riddlebox
943 Freedom is not Free 2 - Bugs Ahuka
944 LITS: Episode 002 - tr Dann
945 TGTM Tech News for 2012-03-14 deepgeek
946 HPR Interview David Whitman with Carl Symons and J... David Whitman
947 Presentation by Jared Smith at the Columbia Area L... Neodragon
948 Exchanging Data Podcast 2 dmfrey
949 The cchits 2011 overview HPR Admins
950 TGTM Newscast for 2012/03/21 deepgeek
951 Roku XD box riddlebox
952 How I cut The Cable Cord Part 2 BrocktonBob
953 LITS: Episode 003 - cut Dann
954 All Things Chrome Robin Catling
955 Zombie Circus 00 - Pilot ZombieMaster

Other items

HPR site was down for a few hours on 2/March but Josh had it back in a few hours

David Whitman writes to say that he will be having a table at https://linuxfestnorthwest.org/sponsors and he is still looking for volunteers to help out or even be the 'Big Cheese'.

Some bad news from the HeliOS project, https://www.fixedbylinux.com/about

HPR Images, can you send your feedback to the list

Haxradio.com is airing HPR episodes regularly

Were we having FTP login Issues ?


David Whitman made us buttons

HPR vetting policy relating to adult, political, etc....
We don't have one

Episode 1000 and 1024

We should come up with an idea to celebrate Ep1000 ?
Answer = YES

For episode 1000 we will be gathering a sample of community members emailing their congratulations but for episode 1024 :)

FiftyOneFifty will be coordinating a EPIC "live" show so please email your contributions to ep1k@hackerpublicradio.org

HPR Comments

Mastodon Comments

More Information...

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