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HPR0936: Monthly Review show 2012 Feb

Hosted by HPR Volunteers on 2012-03-05 00:00:00
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Bob Wooden


Linux in the Shell by Dann Washko


New Logos https://rfquerin.org/hprstuff/hpr_splash_samples.png


ep0917 :: Uber Leet Hacker Force Radio 6 Hosted by sigflup
ep0918 :: How I Started with Linux Part 2 Hosted by Frank Bell
ep0919 :: Elfstedentocht - To be or not to be Hosted by Ken Fallon
ep0920 :: TGTM Newscast for 2012/02/08 Hosted by deepgeek
ep0921 :: Tag Team Chase Douglas Interview with Alison Chaiken Hosted by marcoz
ep0922 :: Updating a Garmin GPS for free Hosted by riddlebox
ep0923 :: 12 Gazillion Buttons Hosted by Jezra and NYbill
ep0924 :: Episode 000 redirection Hosted by Dann
ep0925 :: TGTM Tech News for 2012-02-15 Hosted by deepgeek
ep0926 :: Heresies in the year of the apocalypse ep 1 - computer languages Hosted by MrGadgets
ep0927 :: Setting up a WordPress blog: part 1 Hosted by Frank Bell
ep0928 :: My Linux Adventure, Pt. 1 Hosted by Bob Wooden
ep0929 :: The Knightcast KC0060 : "Storytime" Hosted by Knightwise
ep0930 :: TGTM Tech News for 2012-02-20 Hosted by deepgeek
ep0931 :: The ratpoison window manager Hosted by rootoutcast
ep0932 :: Programming languages 1 – Introduction Hosted by garjola
ep0933 :: Freedom is not Free 1 Introduction Hosted by Ahuka
ep0934 :: LITS: Entry 001 – qrencode Hosted by Dann
ep0935 :: Indiana LinuxFest Hosted by Ken Fallon


We need an event manager
Please add your event to https://fossevents.org/

When What Where Who
2012-01-20..22 Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE)
2012-02-04..05 Free and Open source Software Developers' European Meeting (FOSDEM) https://fosdem.org/2012/
March 5, 2012 sipX-CoLab https://www.sipfoundry.org/sipx-colab Fort Collins, CO
8:00 AMto5:00 PM
2012-03-17 The Northeast GNU/Linux fest https://www.northeastlinuxfest.org/ Pokey/Klaatu
2012-04-28..29 LinuxFest Northwest https://linuxfestnorthwest.org/ David Whitman (davidglennwhitman@gmail.com)
2012-09-28..30 Ohio LinuxFest 2012 https://ohiolinux.org/node/186 (Call for talks)

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