Hacker Public Radio

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HPR0829: Interview with Prof Jocelyn Bell-Burnell

Hosted by HPR Volunteers on 2011-10-06 00:00:00
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Welcome to hacker public radio

Each Thursday we play Syndicated creative commons content

Todays show is from the Jodcast podcast and is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- ShareAlike 2.0 England & Wales License

"The Jodcast is a volunteer podcast about astronomy set up by astronomers based at the University of Manchester's Jodrell Bank but aims to cover astronomy carried out all over the Earth and beyond."

In todays show, aired in June two thousand and seven they interview Jocelyn Bell-Burnell on the 40th aniversary of her discovery of pulsars.

Todays Syndicated Thursday show was recommended by DelWin

If you have a recommendation for syndicated thursday then please email it to admin at hacker public radio dot org




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