Hacker Public Radio

Your ideas, projects, opinions - podcasted.

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HPR0716: Behind the Scenes at HPR. A community update for the month 2011-04

Hosted by HPR Volunteers on 2011-05-02 00:00:00
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Welcome to our new admins Code Cruncher and pokey. Also welcome to our new hosts: HPR_AudioBookClub, Robin Catling, Jonathan Nadeau, code.cruncher, Brad Carter, scriptmunkee, Bob Evans, Disaster Protocol, imahuph, and sikilpaake & badbit. We welcome new hosts.

Show Review

  • 695 :: Ken Fallon :: Behind the Scenes at HPR.
  • 696 :: MrGadgets :: MrGadgets Path toward Linux
  • 697 :: Jonathan Nadeau :: Aaron Seigo talks about accessibility in KDE.
  • 698 :: code.cruncher :: How I Found Linux
  • 699 :: Brad Carter :: r0xy interviews Cap'n Crunch on cacti radio
  • 700 :: MrGadgets :: Tech Tales of April's Past
  • 701 :: scriptmunkee :: Backing Up Your Data Introduction
  • 702 :: Ken Fallon :: 50th anniversary of human space flight
  • 703 :: Bob Evans :: My Computer History
  • 704 :: Disaster Protocol :: Disaster Protocol: Annoyed!
  • 705 :: imahuph :: My first linux box
  • 706 :: Jonathan Nadeau :: What to do when confronted with a blind person
  • 707 :: Dismal Science :: Ubuntu on trial
  • 708 :: JWP :: Enterprise resource planning
  • 709 :: Skirlet :: The Language Frontier Episode 3
  • 710 :: sikilpaake & badbit :: spics on tech
  • 711 :: klaatu :: Klaatu and Verbal chat about web2py
  • 712 :: Bariman :: Linux Jazz - Recording my Audio
  • 713 :: pokey :: NELF Interview With Matt Lee and Donald Robertson
  • 714 :: fullcirclepodcast :: Amber Graner from Ubuntu Women Project
  • 715 :: Ken Fallon :: Interview With StankDawg

Hobby Public Radio - Wordpress
https://www.hobbypublicradio.org Read the posts and give Feedback

Should we re-license under cc-by-sa ?
Dropping the non-commercial

Interview with stank
The server has moved
Ken used skype call recorder to record the call

Who got fooled ?
Thanks to klaatu, Bradley M. Kuhn and Karen Sandler

We updated the RSS feed to use [cdata]

Congratulations to Linux Outlaws on reaching 200
Counting TWAtech we have passed 1015

OggCamp 11 - we'll be there

HPR Music is ours - thanks slick0

What is a syndicated show ?
The language frontier is a special case

HPR Design competition
all get a book Will be mailed out in a week or two

Will HPR be wanting a booth at SELF this year?

HPR Stickers

HPR Comments

Mastodon Comments

More Information...

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